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Everything posted by tjitte

  1. hi, the parachute and IVA are working as expexted, but the parachut is pulling from the centre of mass of the part itself, but the thing shut pull from the hook so that the capsule would splashdown at an angle. it's not a huge problem, but if there's a solution I would love it
  2. Thanks! the next thing I'm going to make is probably the heat 1x, also from copenhagen suborbitals. it's the hibrit rocked engine this capule was put on, before it crased.
  3. jup that wurked! thanks for the help, now i onli need to put in some props and then the IVA space is done! then the only thing left is figure out how to put a paracute in it
  4. it was kinda death, blame the release of gtaV en romeII. now i hae picked it up again, and I'm stumbling over te IVA. the weird thing abaut it is that the only tutorials i can find are not giving a complete picture and/or point to a badly written, heavely outdated tutorial with missing pictures and broken link that is written just over one year ago by ME.and now i hae to come to the conclusion that the tutorial is not at all relevant to problem I face now: [aaarg just discover my unity project dint save >:l ] but here's my problem: as you can see, the kerbal shoud be pointing to the east. but in realety it looks north. I dont know the couse of the problem. i have tryed to rotate the seat transform multiple times with no sucsess. our friend jeb keeps looking to the flag. the position of the transform does respond corect when i move it. if any1 know a posible solution, or thinks theres a tutorial that i havent seen jet, help would be apriciated
  5. I yhink i would agree with SargeRho, the .18 update added Docking and nodes, and the recend .22 update both added gamplay changing features.
  6. and then unity thinks I have not the licence to use unity free :l fixing problems first....
  7. yea I think I would make moremods from copenhagen suborbitals, begining with the deepspaceII. but first wil make the heat 1x rocket here is an update on tycho brahe:
  8. it's indeed sad that the parachute din't delpoy corectly... anyway, I nowUV unwraped the model and begining to inport the model to unity and make textures for them
  9. are you sure it are only 2 parachutes? your wesite say's this: also this video show 3 parasutes poping out:
  10. Here's a litle upday for today: I added some details and chanced the chair acording to to pictures. i also tryed modeling some parachutes, but i think i finish them when i know how they work in unity
  11. Thanks! these pictures realy helped that picture of the inside of the capsule in the blog helped aswel. you are right, these nothing in there, but i just needed to know what color and texture i ahould make. also this gave me some insight on the seat. I'm now making the parachutes, if anynone knows how to animate them and set them up in unity, please let me know
  12. could you send me a link to it? that would be great woow I din't know you were playing ksp :0 anyway if you guy's could get more detiled pictures from the inside, i would love your project even more
  13. haha sorry I din't see that looks great tough, I'm only missing an interior... also you should know this is not my first mod, I just havent done any since 2012 and only done 2 small simple mods. with this one i hope to create a much more detailed mod, so i hope you don't mid that I continu this project
  14. a few days ago, I saw a video on youtube about building amature, suborbital rockets. it was abaut the guy's from denmark, you migt have heart of them, called copenhagen sub-orbitals. what i saw looked pretty 'kerbal'; their first idea was to put a standing man in a narrow, long capsule as seen below: I'ts 0.625 meters in diameter and abaut 3 meters long, 3.5m if you include the aerospike. the capsule is almost done and ready for release, jut fixing some small issus nvm, all things are working fine and the thing is now available on spaceport! http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/cs-tycho-brahe/ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54751-copenhagen-suborbitals-Tycho-Brahe-0-22 happy launching, Tjitte
  15. you should be anabled to expot a model.mu and a model.00* for each texture you are adding. regarding your in game problem, is your mesh inverted? Edit: im a litle bit busy right now, but i can perhaps make some time to help you, please pm if you got some questions
  16. you should add interior light and an ambient oculision layer to the texture, gives nice shodow fx! nice mod
  17. I'm currently addicted to dishonored, really nice game. il update it after my test week is over and i finished dishonored!
  18. oke if got a friend, he sucks at this game. he crashes at the mun while the target was the VAB. so yea, just wurth mentioning
  19. shoulnt this tread be in addon development instead of addon release and showcase?
  20. so -some beds -soace shuits on the walk -instrumenst -even better texture am i missinging something to improve?
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