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Everything posted by tjitte

  1. FINELY! the MPL interplanetary pod is released! downloads moved to kerbal.net for easy updating and statics, will now fix twin seat bugs
  2. mew, i don't know. they are both un-named tough
  3. here is the first image of my Multiple Purpose Lander for interplanetary missions
  4. ok i made a decent pod with internal. the unity project can be downloaded in my tread
  5. this is actual posible i think. if you make an internal then copy the internal to the external then make the hatch inside the ship . when you go eva, the kerbals will spawn in the internal(whitout the rest of the kerbals in it) you still have to make it huge, so the eve camera has space @nutt i made the first modded interior, it was my first mod. if you whant something you will probably sugseed, just try hard
  6. an actual landing gear requires a weel colider atached to the weel, i think you can then just use the landing gear module
  7. that looks good!! i would lofe to see that whit a texture i usualy unwrap the uv map manualy, just by marking the seam, gives me the best result
  8. that's the layer the interior is in. the camera's of unity use these layers to render . the internal camera renders the kerbals layer and the internals layer, the portraid only renders the kerbals layer. they have nothing to do with the kerbals themself
  9. just do it in unity, that i better if somoane doenload the mod
  10. wow NICE make the laser a range finder, just so it has a purpose (and don't name it curiosity, because ksp is a game that shows similarity's whit the real world but all of the names are divergent)
  11. soo what do you want to know? tutorials on moddeling, textureing animating and unity are on youtube then you can use monodevelop to create the scripts
  12. i think it is posible to make your own instuments. they wurk like any other part so i gues you can just add a module. i am also going tomake my own instrument, not sure what, there is a poll on my thread
  13. dude, i posted that like eeehm yesterday :/ 0.16 wasnt even out 'a few monts ago'
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