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Everything posted by chrt

  1. Yeah, I've been using it for over 10 years now, and see no reason to switch.
  2. Well, this is strange. I'm only able to reproduce this when starting KSP from a desktop shortcut ( exec=/opt/KSP/KSP.x86_64 ). If I actually go into the folder and launch it, it works fine.
  3. Ubuntu 14.04, non-steam version of KSP, Geforce 670 GTX with proprietary drivers.
  4. Nothing happens if I right-click them once attached, and they have no menu actions in the inventory.
  5. I'm confused, how does attaching struts on EVA work now? I can only place the beginning end of the strut.
  6. Wishlist: Add a setting to use Earth day/year lengths as opposed to Kerbin days and years.
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