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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. If you\'re willing to use mods, you can attach some retrorockets (several packs have them) to the SRBs, to propel them away from your ship, instead of directly into it.
  2. A distant-orbiting planet in an eccentric orbit would work, like it was captured from THE SPACE BEYOND SPACE
  3. I dunno what you\'re talking about, the failcan and durgun models are great! (back to kosmos now)
  4. Well, you can attach a lander leg to it for MAXIMUM STRANGENESS (it still functions perfectly)
  5. 2m fairings/parts are coming eventually. Not making the N1 anymore, I already have enough on my plate and have left it open to other modders to make it.
  6. I made it that way so you can fit fairings around it. The fairing pieces are exactly 0.5m tall, and the distance between the lip on the orbital engine and the bottom node is exactly 1m. I haven\'t touched ASAS in a long time, and usually find it more trouble than it\'s worth. If popular demand insists though, I\'ll add one. I don\'t know if it\'s something I can fix, considering the game in general hates when you launch at 2x - the physics have to work twice as fast with half as much precision. You can put anything on it. Right now it only works for one attached part, but I\'m working on making it work for the entire chain downward from it.
  7. Yes. I think I\'m gonna avoid using plugins for Silisko Edition, to keep it accessible. The next version of Probodobodyne is highly dependent on plugins, though. Speaking of which:
  8. You have to be weight-conscious - make things as light as possible. If I remember right, it took this much to send a fairly small spacecraft into a free return trajectory: Actually, it was a small craft sent to escape velocity, intended as an entry vehicle for some yet-to-be-added planet. Also, struts are your friend =P I would like to, eventually, make a whole tech tree\'s worth of parts. Higher tech levels would, naturally, make it easier to fly longer distances.
  9. Just from the thumbnail I can see that you\'re not using the fairing decouplers. These guys:
  10. Use the fairing base decouplers. Those will let you detach the other parts.
  11. Because the vanilla pods were liable to explode, and the parachute was very heavy. With a decrease in mass, you have to increase the drag. It also gets descent rates down to a comfortable ~5 m/s (9 m/s was near the limit for the Apollo capsule)
  12. Ah but that is where you are wrong! Probe may be the god, but the Harvester is the very fabric of the universe that contains us!
  13. Oh please, 'standard practice' isn\'t in my dictionary! ;P I mean, right now I\'m working on: SE2 Probodobodyne Vanguard overhaul(planning stage) Music Heat Shield plugin EVA plugin(planning stage) Skyrim mod(on hold) Portal 2 project(on hold since july 2011 when I discovered KSP)
  14. Remember, this is just an Alpha. The full pack will have parts ranging up to 2m, including side-mounted RCS tanks of different sizes! Believe me, SE2 is going to be huge. But, I\'ll consider your proposal to update 1.2 to the new balancing parameters - if only after SE2 is fully released. In the meantime, you can if you\'d like.
  15. But, the same could be said if the government landed a probe there - perhaps more so, since they\'re the 'enemy' in the conspiracy.
  16. Sorry, I didn\'t see that. No, I redid the balance (again). Using them with SE1.2 is a very poor decision ;P
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