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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Exactly. The 1.5m parts are a direct multiple of the 1m tanks (x2.25 I believe), so increasing the amount of fuel in the 1.5m tanks would be silly!
  2. Use the stackable parachute, but put it on the bottom. Then, a 0.5m decoupler below that. Reentering upside down is an acceptable risk, and there is a small arm to hold their head in place during reentry.
  3. The Google Lunar X prize has a bonus for landing a probe near an Apollo landing site, hopefully it\'s taken seriously.
  4. This thread has been my first encounter with Roblox, and, I say this sincerely: Get out. Stop flamebaiting, stop trolling. We don\'t want your kind here.
  5. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/575558/KSP/Silisko%20Edition%202%20-%20Alpha%201.zip Extract to parts folder like any other mod. Completely self-contained, unlike the old version.
  6. But you still need to get the shuttle to the moon. And, to rendezvous with the station you already have the velocity to do that. The only advantage I see is being able to keep a lander on the station so you don\'t need to send it with the shuttle, but even then, the lander needs enough delta-v to slow down to a landing after undocking from the station...
  7. The issue I have with this is that, if you rendezvous with the station in this trajectory, you\'re -already- on a free return trajectory, so there\'s no point in having an entire station there, since leaving the station to land on the mun would require the same amount of delta-v as sending a smaller (and therefore lighter) craft there from the same trajectory.
  8. *click button* 'I HELPED STOP KONY' *goes back to browsing on iPad made by starving chinese children*
  9. For those wondering, this sort of thing is why it takes me so long to release things:
  10. Hopefully I can release an alpha of Silisko Edition 2 soon, so you guys have something to play around with (and most importantly, give feedback from) while I finish up Probodobodyne 0.6!
  11. I routinely, and with passion, say that Facebook and social media like it are a cancer on society. For all the good they\'ve done, they\'re ruining a generation. Absolutely ruining it, letting them 'learn' that mindless distraction is the 'cool thing' to do... Edit: Or, to sum it up in a picture:
  12. All I can do is hope that things change. Seeing how the vast majority of my generation, and generations directly following, it puts a fear into me greater than any I\'ve ever felt. These people, who have grown up with their fake lives, dominated by mass-produced entertainment, and no awareness or care about the real world - what happens when, suddenly, they have to take charge?
  13. Actually, Buzz and Al are specifically defined names which have a 1 in 20 chance of appearing. Charlie is the only randomly made one, there.
  14. Just noticed a huge flaw in my code. mo = mun.orbit should be AFTER the definition of mun. So: ko = kerbin.orbit; mun = kerbin.orbitingBodies[0]; mo = mun.orbit; kerbol = ko.referenceBody;
  15. Meet BASS: either Big Ass Space Station or Big Awesome Space Station depending on your cursing preferences. Launch is completely legit, only CFG editing is the 7x symmetry habitation module (which weighs 25 tonnes) I will try to measure it soon. Edit: 46m x 46m x 35.5m counting solar panels, 22m x 22m x 35.5m without. Counting the launch stage, it\'s 55m tall. Also, no RCS or ASAS or SAS of any kind, if that counts for anything.
  16. The orbit worked fine, just the SOI and the twitching were the problems. I think it was just floating point errors, which is strange...
  17. using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; public class InterplanetaryPod : CommandPod { protected override void onPartStart() { CelestialBody kerbin = null; CelestialBody mun = null; CelestialBody kerbol = null; Orbit ko = null; Orbit mo = null; foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies) { if (body.name == 'Kerbin') { kerbin = body; MonoBehaviour.print('Found Kerbin!'); } } ko = kerbin.orbit; mo = mun.orbit; mun = kerbin.orbitingBodies[0]; kerbol = ko.referenceBody; mo.referenceBody = kerbol; mun.tidallyLocked = false; mun.rotationPeriod = 36000.0f; mo.referenceBody = kerbol; mo.semiMajorAxis = 5750000000.0f; try { mo.RecalculateOrbit(kerbol); } catch { } base.onPartStart(); } }
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