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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. The whole effort kinda was stopped due to the difficulty of properly making all of the things in a readable format on a forum... I think I\'m just going to release the Celestia addon file so people can look around it themselves.
  2. Just look at it... it was a solid color, so low poly, the window is enormous and square. It\'s fucking awful in all possible ways.
  3. I still consider that one of the worst models I\'ve ever made...
  4. I\'m just going to say it to get it out of the way: Jebediah. (video won\'t work so I had to post it here)
  5. Trying to add some more details to the texture: I kinda like how it came out, but mipmapping kinda makes it weird.
  6. I\'m not quite sure, actually. I like to think that Kerbals just evolved shorter.
  7. I would recommend using a multi-stage lander - that way, even if you use up all your descent fuel you still have a way to get home - and abort if you run out early.
  8. It was because at the time, we didn\'t realize how underpowered RCS was for rotation. So, when I upped it, I unwittingly made it hilariously powerful for translation...
  9. It\'s far from ready. Also, is it acceptable if the physicsless adapters make it possible to do this:
  10. Good god, it looks like it\'s about to topple over! Surely that\'s just a trick of the camera?
  11. By the time 0.14 is a week old I\'ll probably have fifty of these in orbit... I actually managed to make the adapter pieces physicsless, so they contribute nothing to the rocket other than looks - which is ideal, methinks. Eventually when the aerodynamic model is improved, they can affect flight (a sharp seam would destabilize your rocket immensely)
  12. I\'ve rested up a bit and am starting work on some 1.5m parts. The total set, for the first few releases should be: 4 liquid engines (1m and 2m) 7 fuel tanks (1m, 1.5m, 2m diameter with 1.5m high and 3m high options. also included is a bare and compact 1m tank) 3 command pods (one is 0.5m) a slew of adapters (0.5m to 1m, 1m to 1.5m, 1.5m to 2m, maybe some reverse ones or a 1m to 2m coupler) modular engine and payload shroud system (in all sizes, with optional decoupler pieces) RCS quad and fuel tank service module (1m only, possibly a 1m to 1.5m adapter service module in the future) 2 killrot modules (0.5m, 1m) 3 parachutes (0.5m, 0.5m stackable, 1m) 4 decouplers (0.5m, 1m, 1.5m, 2m, also serves as a mounting point for the engine/payload shrouds) stage separation retrorocket heat shield (hopefully physicsless) 2 SRBs (0.5m and 1m) Mother of god, what am I getting myself into? Also, I decided on a fuel consumption scheme. The fuel to weight ratio for tanks is very close to that of vanilla, 200 fuel to 1 mass. That way, you can hopefully use the relatively high-consumption (but realistic) SE engines in conjunction with other packs. And vice-versa, but I do not endorse that in any way.
  13. I am exhausted today, so don\'t expect a release. Way too tired to do any work on it, and would probably forget something obvious if I did.
  14. I feel like I\'ve made a bad impression, I still think my old SIDR parts were really bad! ;P
  15. It doesn\'t need RCS, the pilot just shifts in his seat to rotate the ship.
  16. That was it I believe. It\'s been a while since I read the books, sadly.
  17. 'Trillian' may be too obvious, methinks... How about 'Fee'? Much more obscure, yet it makes perfect sense. What about Trisha? (Or how it was spelled)
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