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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Updated the gallery on the first post with some more recent stuff
  2. Hard to say at this early stage. Lots of optimizations and tweaks that can be done to improve it, though I rarely have it drop below ~80 fps right now. I need to add LOD meshes for more things, for instance. The game is doubtless going to put your GPU to work, though, and the system requirements make playing it on anything but the best laptops unlikely
  3. I do hope the tourists get unique models of some sort. A kerbal that looks like richard branson... Concur. The rescue missions in general hurt the feeling of accomplishment a bit already, I think...
  4. I do wish that would die and be forgotten already. The backstory in SotS is very different than that rambling thing.
  5. Ahhh that's a MASSIVE improvement over the old blurry pixel one. I like it.
  6. It was specifically due to the fact Armstrong died during the development of the project. But I think it could be good idea might be to create a larger-than-life replica of the Fallen Astronaut memorial placed on the moon: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Fallen_Astronaut.jpg Accompanied by an equivalent plaque. I don't think that's a good idea. It feels disrespectful to blow up a kerbal named after someone who's recently died. "Neil" was removed from the name generator for this reason.
  7. That would be a nice little tribute. I'd be a bit concerned about copyright issues, though... On the subject, I wish I could go back and redo the armstrong memorial on the mun. It was a very quickly made thing owing to the suddenness of the announcement (and an impending release, I think? can't remember) and I think it deserves to be made a bit nicer...
  8. Per the AMA on reddit, prices range from 100 to 200 dollars. I think I'll pass... edit: Specifically it's a "Small", "Medium", and "Large" size, for 99, 140, and 200 dollars respectively, all including shipping.
  9. Well, with the offset tool you can indeed place parts that are floating away from other parts. That fits my classification of "bug".
  10. I hope the final models have some sort of smoothing done to them. The highly-visible polygons on them are very jarring.
  11. Somehow I missed this before. Why does the example ship have no second stage engine?
  12. I don't pitch at a specific altitude, I usually start pitching once my velocity reaches 100 m/s. This usually happens under 5 km.
  13. Also wondering how it will handle stuff like radial decouplers, or trusses, or winglets, or solar panels...
  14. I'm a little disappointed it's something only players with a level of disposable income will really be able to get in on...
  15. Well, it lists the current time as 17:02, and all the devnotes as 17:10 for me. Edit: SEE?
  16. If we're finding out today, we should find out in about 20 minutes, that seems to be the usual time for posting weekly updates.
  17. Writing up a big blog post about the recent development history and the current plan. Approaching 700 words and several images so far.
  18. 6/10 that guy who drew that dragon
  19. Don't use KSP as a justification for why something should be done in real life. That many payloads just become a ludicrous pain to coordinate. If your rocket is set up to launch 6 major payloads, and then, oops, 5 days before the launch, one of the heaviest ones runs into a major technical flaw and needs another month, you'll have to scrub the launch, and hold up every other payload on the vehicle, because otherwise it would be delayed even more to transfer them to other launchers, or to reconfigure the launcher to fly with only 5 payloads on board. At which point, the 6th is left high and dry, waiting potentially years for another ride-share opportunity on another large rocket. The same applies in reverse as well. If the rocket encounters an issue shortly before launch day, now 6 payloads are out of luck until it's fixed. Moving payloads from one rocket to another is not trivial or easy by any standard.
  20. I wouldn't be too disappointed by that, I've wanted life support for a long time. Unless it's got brand names plastered all over the parts
  21. Only 9 days after you, July 23 of '11. (man, that doesn't have the same ring as " '9X")
  22. Honestly, I'd much prefer there just to be a one-stop-shop thread that's updated periodically; "Stuff That's Coming In The Next Update For Sure". If something changes, change it in the thread and make a note about it.
  23. Generally it's just a process of having multiple layers of noise blended together over either a fully procedural sphere, or a pre-made mesh sphere. For terrain textures, it's a matter of using vertex colors to blend together the different textures, and using a triplanar shader to make it map nicely onto a sphere. For the terrain itself, look into Libnoise.
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