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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Not gonna work with the current orbit system if you mean two objects of roughly the same size. Can't make a barycenter without there basically being a singularity at the center of it. It'll look okay from a distance but behave absolutely nothing like how it should.
  2. There we go, no more solid colors. Duna now has some interesting topography in places:
  3. Nutt, can you please just post your mod's progress report on the thread you already made for it instead of occupying mine?
  4. Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah RAM is inevitably a bit of an issue unfortunately, unless I can find a way to dump the MapSOs for color and heightmaps into special objects and load them when needed, as opposed to just importing textures. Lots of optimizations for this...
  5. I'm only using one per body really, so it doesn't seem to affect performance much.
  6. Duplicated the ones from the mun and tweaked the values, simple as that.
  7. I use it frequently for testing both mods (quite essential for alternis really) and landing systems. Call it the simulation run...
  8. I will once it's released, I just prefer to get the code tidied up and working as efficiently as I can first, although I guess there's only so much I can do, since I'm at heart not a programmer... Anyway, hopefully I can expedite release a bit. Need to swap the Mun and Vall, fatten up the former and shrink the latter, then I suppose it would be ready for an initial release. I've always kind of had an aversion to releasing things before they're done, but if I don't, it never would see the light of day Edit: Also deciphering the biome maps, now, for future use.
  9. Yeah - that coupled with some clever detective work (functions that dump components for instance), you can learn a TON of stuff.
  10. Just some ideas for names for parts, manufacturers, and descriptions respectively: "Expandable PorkHab Mk1" "Porkjet Industries LLC - Manufacturer of Bacon, Bacon Accessories & Inflatable Living Spaces" "After a literal breakthrough in inflatable habitat module design (it was very messy and the investigation is still ongoing), the Mk0 PorkHab was scrapped, and replaced by the Mk1, a vast improvement in all areas. Via a proprietary technique of in-space inflation, as well as supertough* but flexible shell material, the Mk1 has sold over 15,000 units to date. *supertough does NOT mean invincible and astronauts should NOT take up knife throwing while occupying it. We can't afford anymore lawsuits, so please keep this in mind."
  11. What he said. I'm curious how this was figured out so quickly by others already though. I would hope the knowledge didn't come via decompiling, because there are much better (and safer) ways to learn things about how the game works! My plan for scaledspace is to just use a mesh with a heightmap applied to it outside unity, then import that. That's what I did for minmus, since back then the mesh wrapper hadn't been made yet (anyone remember when minmus' scaled space was just a smooth sphere?) Because the ambient light system is kinda dumb. Ambient light on a planet's surface affects the whole universe, even distant planets. Not really planning on axial tilt to be honest, too much of a crazy hassle getting it working, although I did see some references to it when prodding the RealSolarSystem source although it was commented out. If that changes, though, hopefully I could acquiesce permission to use that. Pretty much. Maybe more, I haven't touched most of the parameters of CelestialBody (don't really know what half of them do) Been doing optimizations to the code too, as well as adding more comments in preparation for eventual release. To be honest, it's pretty hacky but for some things (like what I'm trying to do), there's not much of another way. That said, when it IS released, if any of you plugin developers out there spot some bad inefficiency in the code or a better way to do something, don't hesitate to say, and I'll repair it.
  12. At some point I need to rewrite science descriptions too, to better describe the new system. Tweaking science values themselves right now though. Also, panfish, your signature reminded me... maybe once this mod is done and released, there could be a ribbon generator specific to it. That would be interesting. Edit: For the curious, here's a map of tylo. I'll get some of Laythe and the other changed bodies in the future. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/575558/KSP/alternistylo_map.png
  13. Breaking news: people do things besides mod KSP.
  14. It's not ready, there's still a lot to do. I also want to clean up the code a bit and optimize it. Unrelated note, Mechjeb's helpers all work no matter the configuration of the solar system, which is nice (and smart of it to read from the existing values instead of having them pre-set)
  15. Alternatively, you could try to find every Orbit or OrbitDriver in the game. Anything that's orbiting anything else will have one of those, so if it exists, MB would have one.
  16. One thing guys, can you not quote images when you quote messages? It just makes the page unnecessarily long and a bit annoying to scroll past the duplicate images. But for your trouble, have a new picture:
  17. Eehmmm I'll have to check. Don't know it off the top of my head.
  18. About 0.5 kerbin atmo. Unrealistic for a planet of its size (as are the 15 km sheer cliffs), but it's much more interesting than being able to simply parachute down safely in a thick atmosphere. Also, Nutt, if you're gonna work on a project like this of your own, can you not do it on my thread?
  19. Science needs a bit of tweaking for the new layout I think
  20. Okay I may have grossly underestimated how difficult a tylo rover actually is now... entry sequence went off fine but, a 5 degree incline might as well be a cliff. You accelerate... kind of quickly. In the span of about 5 seconds I was going 25 m/s, dipped downward and tumbled downhill under 4g, leaving a trail of dust and shattered bits of metal. Not to mention the lander itself basically snapped in half on landing, and the rover lost 3 of its 8 wheels. Tylo is a terrible place. I did make a nice glowy meteor when coming in though
  21. Maybe. I have my doubts though, I think most will just be tweaks (like Minmus is) I'm gonna do my Tylo rover mission now, so pics should be coming soon.
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