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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Considering making a test version, but the source is extremely messy and unorganized and hacky and needs a good power washing. But most of the functionality is far from done, so I have a dilemma - release an early test version with awful broken code that people can then, ill-advisedly, use to make stuff of their own and spread the PLAGUE OF INEFFICIENCY AND UNTIDINESS on the world, or stay and tidy it for a while despite it not actually being done. Or, I suppose, release an early off-forum version with no source included. OR a license for an unfinished one on the forums that says "you can look at the code but not use it, not yet". I dunno...
  2. It's the non-computing use of "procedural" - just means relating to proper procedure, I guess.
  3. My recommended course of action is to make a separate save, and only use that one while the mod's installed.
  4. Small update (I've kinda hijacked this thread, haven't I?), Winston's painting a new duna color map while I've made a heightmap for it. Need to figure out how to change up the surface textures since the current ones are sort of bleh. Also working on some other visual stuff that hopefully I can get working without burning anything. Also have a picture of some canyons on Tylo, ~15-20 km deep I think Although, I need to hurry up and get this finished, getting a bit demotivated seeing a bunch of stuff starting to get made with PlanetFactory, while I'm sitting here making all this from scratch...
  5. Me and rob were the only interns. Rob was definitely fired (on 4chan, he said he made some big mistake, and it was enough for him to get kicked out), and I left for reasons of my own. Actually, Claira might be an intern too, but she's a student, so doesn't have a lot of time for KSP anymore. At least, that's what I remember.
  6. Good to see someone picked up this idea again. You can take it and run with it. In fact, if you're not using it already, you can have my code. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/575558/KSP/ww-source.zip Here, go nuts.
  7. Eeloo originally had a thin atmosphere but it had to be eliminated. Because the visual mesh of it couldn't be scaled up (still can't), the camera clipped into it when you were actually landed or near the surface. Duna does this a little bit, now, so that's about as small as a body with atmosphere can get without it looking bad.
  8. Y'know I bet this could be done with a mod. If you could grab the main camera reference, your ship's velocity, and the amount of atmosphere it's traveling through, you could do some clever maths and apply a random vector to the position of the camera (in the process lerping it back to its original position). This would be easily tweakable too.
  9. It could be done, but only from a visual standpoint. You could make an invisible planet and then give it two "moons" and it'd look alright, but from a gameplay standpoint that just doesn't work. At the barycentre of this system would be a gravitational singularity - which, if passed, would probably hurl your ship off into the cosmos at FTL velocities (like the sun did before it had a surface) Edit: aaaactually everything I just said has been stated by other people in the thread. Carry on.
  10. Can't do multiple levels of water, I don't think. Just how the planets are set up - it's either ocean, or no ocean, and the ocean occupies 0 meters and below. The problem with extra solar systems existing in the same "universe" is the sun. It would need to be reverse engineered and reworked so it could have an arbitrary number of light sources, as opposed to just one... That being said, I don't think there's any reason you can't just have a celestial body "stuck" in space. The sun is, and as long as this other body is suitably far away, its sphere of influence would exist in the same way any other planet's would. Of course, I could be totally wrong due to some quirk in the code, and it requires an orbit driver to actually function, but the only way to find out is through experimentation. Speaking of, I need to, at some point in this mod, make the sun get dimmer the farther away you get, and brighter the closer you are. Within reason, of course - it can be assumed there's some automatic exposure correction so it's not pitch black out past eeloo and solid white near the sun.
  11. That's an interesting idea. Can have big jagged cracks in the ice revealing a small amount of water at the bottom. Having a full PQS ocean there, though, would be pretty inefficient for such a small area. I wonder if a simple plane (flat surface, not boeing) could be put at the water's level, as opposed to having a dynamic mesh for it? I experimented with that earlier this year. It sort of worked, but unity's particles really do not like to exist in scaled space like they're required to for comets. I bet it could be faked with a mesh though. Wouldn't look as good, but...
  12. What's funny is, at least the way I recall it, I didn't actually know about either of those things until after it was named. It was ages ago though, so maybe it WAS named after those and I just missed the source of it.
  13. The original Moho (the one with the burning atmosphere) was much closer to the sun, with lava on the sun-facing side, but be safe and frozen on the other side. Unfortunately, there was some issue with the lava, and the atmosphere wasn't able to change temperature depending on where you are on the planet. So, initially just the lava was ditched and the superheated atmosphere kept until a solution could be found, but alas, things moved on and Moho was later redecorated into being more mercury-like. Yeah, I had been in proper doctor who mode at the time The real question of course - is Poosh the moon itself, or was Poosh the planet the moon orbited? A question for the ages. And hey, if you're interested in more planetary history, have the album I showed off a few months back of the planet development process: http://imgur.com/a/RKPdE
  14. It's a "leave" that turned into a "gone".
  15. Yeah, when he sent it to me he was all "eh it's alright" and I'm just sitting there, absolutely floored with how fantastic it is.
  16. Just want to point out that the new texture for Jool isn't my creation, it was painted from scratch for me by Winston (of KW). The base game's texture for Jool is about the extent of my digital painting ability, and look how that turned out... Re: squad not doing planets, it's not a lack of time, or technical ability - the project leaders decide the direction of the game, and right now that direction is career mode. Re: multiple solar systems per game. I think it could MAYBE be done via mod, to an extent. But the problem would be making saved games not catch on fire when you switch between systems. Well, Ike just looks all jagged and random now, all I did was lower the radius so the terrain deformation stood out more. Speaking of Duna, I think that, like laythe, is a body I'll give a total makeover of. I'd like to make it more similar to real mars - butterscotch color, smaller polar caps, lots of jagged cliffs and canyons, and so on.
  17. I'd like to make a series of Alternis Kerbol mods. One with just lighting and texture tweaks, fixes, etc, one as the mod is now, one with milder changes (maybe to make the bodies more realistic - in hindsight the moons of Jool are all too big when you look at the moons of Jupiter, as one instance), and so on. There's a lot of stuff that can be done! I think ideally there could be three versions... 1. Lite, tweaks to sun and ambient light, and atmosphere colors, 2. Medium, lite content, plus minor tweaks to planets (kerbin and mun given eccentricity/inclination, for instance, other planets moved around to be less similar to our own solar system), and 3. Full, completely re-arranged and replaced solar system, as well as all the content from the previous tiers. In fact... (getting a bit outside the scope of what I'm thinking of doing, but I'd like to see someone else do it), a version of RealSolarSystem that, instead of making it a replica of the real solar system, instead just scales up the existing kerbal planets to real-world scales (as in, no extra planets, no moving stuff around to become new stuff, just scaled up to real sizes)
  18. Can't say I know what will become of the concepts I had in mind for KSP's future. Those were just what I would have most liked to do, so I doubt they'll come to fruition in any official form now. But it's funny you mention this now, because I've been working on a mod that messes with the existing solar system to totally shift and alter it into something new: http://imgur.com/a/TqP8M Reddit comment explaining all the changes: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1s5bos/mod_ive_been_working_on_for_a_couple_days/cdu1uky And yes, I've given up my fight against the name "Kerbol". I invented it ages ago so I guess it's about time embraced it
  19. IIRC most of the stuff like Tylo, Ike, Laythe, Eeloo, Dres, etc are just nonsense names that I had come up with. Eve, I always felt was a good name for an equivalent to Venus (which is the only planet named after a female deity IRL, maybe there's an Eve Kerman somewhere in kerbal mythology) Moho was some language's word for something relating to fire. Though this was all ages ago, so there might be more detailed stories behind the other planets that I'm just forgetting. I vaguely remember Jool's original name was something starting with "K" and ending with "er" before I saw it and was all "no god please no" Speaking of, have an ancient chart I made of a solar system, way before I was on the team... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/575558/KSP/solarsystem.jpg
  20. I wish I could tell the full story, but I don't know if I can. It was my decision, though.
  21. Wouldn't do any good...

  22. Source included this time? The floodgates are opening!
  23. Just a coincidence then, never heard of that. REAPER's nice, good trial too, but takes some getting used to. Billions of commands inside that thing. www.reaper.fm
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