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Everything posted by spikeyhat09

  1. we have such a humble community, lets sit around and talk about how humble we are! we are so humble!
  2. ive seen at least 2 other threads like this before
  3. for ksp you want a good dual core. because in ksp, the multicore obviously isnt utilized, but it would be handy to have multiple cores for other things that you would be doing. and if you bought a good dual core, odds are the individual cores are going to be faster
  4. a large number of calculations per second on an individual core of your CPU whether it be large IPC or large clock rate
  5. dont go for the tri-quad-beyond processors. with KSP, a dual core setup would probably be most optimal. oh, and does the 680$ budget include the price of KSP itself? because that'll drop you down to 660$, 610$ if your sales tax is like where i live.
  6. if you are not committed to laptop, a 680$ desktop would (of course) be a much better option in terms of performance. if mobility is absolutely required for your specific case, however, then go laptop obviously
  7. 680-690$ should be plenty enough for a laptop that is KSP capable. hell, i bought mine in 2011 for 500$ and it can run it just fine. If you want to be primarily playing KSP, get one with a really good CPU (one with really fast INDIVIDUAL cores, a multicore processor would not be well utilized with he current state of the game), and skimp out on the GPU. if you plan to be playing other games as well (and with 680$ you should be able to get a machine that can play most games at low graphics settings at LEAST), get one with a decent GPU, preferably dedicated and not integrated.
  8. well, the only other competitor would be Eve, and i would consider it more difficult for a number of reasons: 1) Eve's atmosphere is very thick, and while this makes landing easier, it makes returning to Kerbin nearly impossible. 2) Eve has a much bigger difference in inclination relative to Kerbin than Duna. Duna and Kerbin's orbits are nearly co-planar 3) By the time the average user has mastered the Mun and Minmus, they will have only mastered going from a LKO to a target in orbit. Going to Eve, however, is going from one object in orbit to a lower object in orbit. The only way they would have had experience in this skill is if they practiced going from Minmus to the Mun.
  9. furthermore, IIRC, multiplayer has been flat out denied. could be wrong though, so dont quote me weapons are already in the game. you just have to build em. and there are mods out there that specifically add weapon systems
  10. and i thought this was going to be a misplaced "Papers, Please" discussion thread or something. this is actually quite funny!
  11. that seems largely unnecessary, surely you could easily get the same payload to orbit with a much smaller part count.
  12. you see, unlike other objects in the kerbal space-time continuum, the flags are highly unstable due to their specialized omega fractal makeup. under normal circumstances, they function properly, but under the effects of kerbal timewarp drives, their instability rears its ugly head. this takes the form of spontaneous combustion and explosion.
  13. i haven't had this issue. perhaps it only happens to space agencies with lower standards.
  14. What can you expect, the onboard flight computer software was designed by kerbals
  15. they dont have collision because it would be too resource intensive.
  16. derp, derp, derp derp de-derp, derp, derp, derp derp de-derp click the speed indicator
  17. "go away. no wreckage to see here"
  18. there is no Umlaut. its just mun. whether that is pronounced "muhn" as in umbrella, or "moon", is anyones guess
  19. the wiki is fanmade. it is incorrect a good deal of the time. if you look ingame, it no longer has the umlaut. http://i.imgur.com/PeR4Jps.png
  20. just dont play it for a long time. play some other games. after some months, you'll find it buried in your hard drive somewhere, and be like "whats thi- ooohhh yeah KSP i want to play it omnomnomnom" just like that
  21. that is incorrect. if it had an umlaut (which is doesnt anymore), it would be "moon". source: http://www.unwords.com/view/pronounce.html
  22. thats not an excuse. by that logic every thing and any thing from mod development, to suggestions, to bug reports, to craft showcases/downloads should all go in general discussion in order to get more publicity
  23. i would be an extremely happy camper if there was an update that improved the symmetry, and just the VAB/SPH in general (functionality of course, i know it just got a gorgeous facelift). so that you could switch between bilateral and radial symmetry, etc.. a 12x radial symmetry would be nice too.
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