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Everything posted by Holo

  1. It's my personal theory because different measurement systems have been proven to exist, whereas different laws of physics haven't.
  2. Oh no, I think you have a bit of a misunderstanding here. Kerbals measure distance in a unit called a "Kermeter". They have the symbol "m", but are approximately 2 to 10 times larger than meters. So when you see Kerbin with it's glorious 600 km radius, it actually has a radius of 600 kilokermeters, and not kilometers.
  3. I hope some kind of procedural generation is added so I can see Meander/Jool's 20+ minor moons. Right now there's only 2.
  4. Didn't you read? A resonance cascade is used to transform it into energy.
  5. If you turn your positive baryon number ship into energy, won't it convert back into normal matter? Otherwise you've lost some baryon numbers.
  6. Plot twist! You caused the slowdown because you refreshed too often!
  7. Looking at the command pods, I've got the equation: Cost = 475 + 125*Crew^2. The only outliers are the aircraft pods, but they are so oddly priced that there's no way I could make an equation to accommodate them.
  8. What I mean by random crew amounts is if it's a Moon landing, it would pick randomly whether you need 1, 2 or 3 crewmembers for example. Large operation could even demand 4 or more crew members, requiring multiple launches.
  9. I have an idea. You should be asked at the start which mods you have. Depending on the mods, you can get different missions (e.g. Kethane -> Scan kerbin for a kethane deposit, etc.) EDIT: Also, make debris penalties less harsh. Maybe do it per mass of debris, rather than per piece? EDIT2: Make a distinction between manned and unmanned flights in the contracts. I'm not sure whether the KSA wants me to put a probe into orbit or a kerb. Maybe some kind of minimum crew thing?
  10. You can get them with RemoteTech. I think some kind of flight planning would be a better use of the devs time. But hey, maybe we'll get both!
  11. Laythe does have some life on it. It just can't support multicellular life.
  12. Not even energy can go faster than light. Since you're hugely lowering the mass of the spaceship, you could probably do a low-energy Alcubierre drive, though.
  13. If you make a 3-man Pol lander, you would get rank 8. Which material is that?
  14. Sure, here's the google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkQSKd3qq9H_dF9CbDBDcEZiSGhxZjhzX0J2SnBtX0E&usp=sharing You just edit it how it is, it's a copy of the main one.
  15. Any gas and heavier. Heavy gases need more energy to reach escape velocity, so they are easier to retain. Here's the google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkQSKd3qq9H_dGNfMjlsNHIycmUzclU1NTdNRHJJYlE&usp=sharing
  16. Even in career mode I would be very disappointed with Squad if they are set missions. Stimpy's Grand Campaign (from before the great crash of 2013) is the closest to set missions I want to have.
  17. Tylo is the barren one that's capable of supporting the most atmosphere, so it's the logical place to put it.
  18. Laythe's OK, as long as you don't want to reproduce ever. Although yeah, there's way too much radiation. I'll see if I can calculate some radiation levels for the Joolian moons. I'll also add gravity to the equation.
  19. That other thread about Eve and Duna got me thinking about what gases would actually be found in those atmospheres. Coincidentally, at the same time, I read that atmospheric composition can be found out by looking at which gases can escape. I happen to have the equations for this bookmarked, so without further ado, here is some table of molecular weights and stuff! I scaled the distance from the sun up by 10 and the escape velocity up by √10 when I entered them into the equations, because otherwise pretty much nothing can have an atmosphere. In conclusion, give Tylo an atmosphere plz.
  20. I don't really like the look of the current engines. I think they are in need of a remake.
  21. I really want a Sputnik command pod so that I can sent up satellites. Maybe called something like Stayputnik?
  22. That would be good. Something like Mars Colony Simulator where Kerbals make scientific studies and perform research over time (as opposed to building, doing EVAs etc.) would be most excellent, so you have to choose a trade off between doing missions with your Kerbonauts to explore for minerals and stuff or doing science on the moonbase. EDIT: Also, it could be something like strange moods in dwarf fortress where your kerbals require rock or liquid samples to continue doing their research.
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