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Everything posted by Holo

  1. You know that kraken on Bop? Yeah.
  2. It was just because the KSC went through the TEMPEST portal. How else do you think Merald (I think his name was) time travelled back after he landed on Gilly?
  3. What about SolidFuel engines? They are 1 m, but they seem overpowered compared to the probe parts. Edit: Never mind, they count as fuel tanks too so I would be unable to use them
  4. Too bad! I've already attached motors to the island and I'm on my way to Duna!
  5. If you escape Kerbin's SOI, you could be judged by your solar apopapsis, and if you escape Kerbol, you could be judged by your speed when you cross Jool's orbit.
  6. I don't have a feeling, and even if they were trolling, nobody got aggressive over OP's statement so the troll failed.
  7. Yet another reason why KSP needs female kerbonauts.
  8. It looks like an area of lower altitude on a low-mass silicon world.
  9. Due to time dilation, from your viewpoint, you will be moving at 150%c. Remeber, though you aren't actaully travelling FTL, your perceptions are slowed so you will travel 1.5 ly every percieved year.
  10. It would have to be 50m in diameter to supply a pleasant 1/3g without making everyone sick, which is expensive.
  11. Yeah. Some people see Damion as being DR The Inept PR Guy, without considering how hard his job is or whatever he actually does.
  12. Maybe Damion was talent scouted by the Canadian Air Force due to his piloting skills? But I do need to know what's occurring. The tension is killing me!
  13. Just paint the rockets black with white spots. With a missile though, you could just deactivate everything except the minimal computing power needed to switch back on. Because it's unmanned, you can actually turn the engine off and run cold.
  14. When immortality is invented, I'll do this.
  15. Holo

    Unit of fuel

    Mass * g = Weight It's easy enough to calculate.
  16. Holo

    Unit of fuel

    Density is in the config files.
  17. Yes, he's removed it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6c14CvC-8A
  18. Holo

    Unit of fuel

    Mass = Volume * Density So with volume, you can work out mass
  19. 1 google search for "Moho Pixies" later... http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1bt9c7/
  20. Holo

    Unit of fuel

    It is 1 liter, someone measured the fuel tank's volume. EDIT: Also, in 0.17, LiquidFuel actually was measured in L, IIRC.
  21. Amen to that, Skunky. Fingers crossed this doesn't become another crisis (The DamionRayne Crisis), because that would be a death blow to Squad's PR.
  22. Someone was driving on Moho and saw some strange lights. Moho scares me.
  23. Holo

    Unit of fuel

    Yes tencharlimit?
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