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Everything posted by Holo

  1. They come from this website: http://ribbons.cgagnier.ca/ Also, the rules say that you have to do your own challenge first.
  2. Land a manned craft on the Mün next to the rover and take Jeb for a joyride perform some sensible science.
  3. Holo

    1:1 Planets?

    I've played orbiter, and if KSP was half as difficult as it, Squad would be short $15. Saying that, I've had a lot of fun with Orbiter. Pretending to colonise a planet using the DGIV autopilot and the scenario editor is pretty fun, but most crafts are heavily overpowered compared to what you even come close to achieving in real life and kerbal space program.
  4. Holo

    1:1 Planets?

    Come to think of it' date=' I don't see why there are orbits in this game. I mean sure, realism, but who needs realism in a game with little green men? I know it was just a playful way to say "KSP is not Orbiter", and I totally agree with you on that. And anyway, Kerbals don't use our measurement scales. They use "kermeters", which just happen to have the symbol "m". They're totally different to out meters though. Not linear, too, so you can't convert them to normal meters that easily.
  5. I can't see where you fit the air on that suit. Do you just take a really deep breath before EVAs?
  6. The blasphemy of going where you want cheaply?
  7. Yeah to maakey's suggestion. Also, your normal asparagus-wider-than-tall rockets doesn't work nicely with FAR.
  8. For now, I'm just assuming that it was a literal interpretation of that person's comment about his Hooloovoo friend.
  9. There we are, timewarp solved. And no need for any weird asynchronous multiplayer and stuff! Plus, it's much easier to understand because everyone sees each other exactly where they are - no crazy "time bubbles" or anything.
  10. The image that chobit posted was removed by moderators, and now the curiosity of what it was is causing me to dissolve into my constituent elements.
  11. Still, better safe than sorry. If there's a leak in the RTG, the kerbs will start glowing like the ready brek kid.
  12. I stumped it with Bob Kerman. FIX UR GAME AKINATOR
  13. I design my spacecraft to be "realistic" - a liquid fuel stack core with two SRBs. No radial liquid boosters, and no surrounding with SRBs.
  14. The 17 x 9 pixel flag I made, but in big:
  15. ERROR; PC LOAD LETTER I ran into a problem and need to restart. I'm just collecting some error info, and then I'll restart (0% complete)
  16. Holo

    Gravity (Movie)

    Yeah, but then you'd die of alcohol poisoning. I chekced, and armageddon was the movie they used for NASA training.
  17. Holo

    Gravity (Movie)

    Wasn't Deep Impact or something like that also a NASA training film, and employees spotted the scientific errors?
  18. I updated the scoreboard. I wonder if it's possible to top 20 Mm, and I'm betting that Zarakon is going to somehow achieve it (no pressure)
  19. Granted, but you can only teleport 1 m at a time. I wish that I had a weapon that could destroy Tuvalu the world-destroyer.
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