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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Yeah. Those blue people come here and take jobs from good hard working english people. I think the blues should go back to their own country!
  2. Those are truly beautiful, and inspire me with divine brilliance. Also, I feel inferior now, so please stop Thanks for using my design idea, by the way. It's actually based off the scandinavian flags, which are the best possible flags. WOO! BALD EAGLES! AIRCRAFT CARRIERS! 'MURRIKA! WE'RE GONNA BEAT THOSE DAMN COMMIES!*
  3. Those flags are truly beautiful. Makes me want to design some 'murrican flags for the Kerbals. 17:9 because it's almost 1:2, however it also has a center point. If you notice, it's 16:8 + 1 to either side. They all have Kerbin in the corner because it represents the heritage of Kerbals and where they come from.
  4. And it's 17 x 9 I hope I've set off a new trend or something. Also, I've added some flags for probes to the OP.
  5. "How do you not see? This single pixel is very clearly Freya." --Alternate Universe PfL
  6. Granted, but only two people are, both of which live on undiscovered Pacific islands and can't put their new found tax-sensibleness to the test. I wish Tuvalu was mobile.
  7. Here's the flags in a larger, less good size: Descriptions are coming shortly. Oh yeah, and this: Chobit's flag, in the correct size.
  8. Granted, but you are the prime minister of Tuvalu and hence don't have very much influence on the international stage. I wish German had no conjugations.
  9. It's too small, but cool nonetheless. BTW, which flag is it?
  10. Indeed. Youtube knows why they deleted your account, we don't.
  11. 5/10 I recognise that signature
  12. Granted, now they're not fun and they fail permamently. I wish the UK's flag was scandinavian
  13. Just finished the survey. Hope I win me some Civ V!
  14. Granted, they stop hurting because you fell unconscious due to a brutal rhincerous attack. I wish that the UK's flag was Scandinavian.
  15. Granted, but now you suffer depression instead I wish the flag of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon was less terrible
  16. From a personal project of mine, the history of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
  17. They're flags, and they are 17 by 9 pixels. How are you not seeing the appeal of it? I don't know what the appeal actually is, I just find them really aesthetically pleasing.
  18. How so? Glad I inspired someone anyway!
  19. That would be good. A way for Kerbals to sellotape 17 x 9 px flags to the side of the lander.
  20. I have 331 little pixel flags as of today. help me
  21. --She Sorry, I just had to do it The reason they're small is because small ones are easy to make and they also look really nice. You'll notice that (as of posting) my avatar's also a 17x9 flag. I can't help it, I'm addicted to 17x9 px flags, man! Not scared of pixels, I just really, really like rectangular groups of 153 pixels in an aspect ratio of approximately 2:1.
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