This challenge is simple: get the highest altitude whilst using exactly 4,000 liters of fuel (10 FL-T400 Fuel Tanks equivalent). It's basically a copy of khyron42's old challenge, which was posted back in September. There are some rules: Full thrust all the way. You are not allowed to throttle down until all your fuel is depleted. This also includes pausing for too long between stages - a short pause is OK. Use the Mk 1 pod (1-man) or the Mk 1-2 pod. No bonus points are awarded for the Mk 1-2. No sources of propulsion that are not liquidfuel+oxidizer rocket engines With those out the way, I present my entry to the challenge: You'll be scored by the altitude of your rocket the moment all of your fuel depletes. Here is the scoreboard so far: tavert - 19 Mm zarakon - 18 Mm Plur303 - 17 Mm zarakon - 11 Mm clapanse - 9.6 Mm tavert - 9.6 Mm Jason Patterson - 4.8 Mm Jason Patterson - 1.5 Mm Holo - 1.4 Mm