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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Gonna need some proof for that.
  2. Ok. Kerbal space programs distances and scales are compressed 10x for gameplay purposes. Therefore, 6,000 kerbal km corresponds to 60,000 real km.
  3. Stock, because if features are worth adding then either the devs have already added it to stock or will, and better than what the mod could do.
  4. /kick troll Alternately... "You just wasted all your money on a useless spacecraft. Hence, I win." -FINANCIAL VICTORY TO PLAYER A-
  5. But it's not. The entire gameplay of KSP relies on the fact that physics apply. The whole appeal of KSP is completely centered around real life physics. Kerbal space program's units are 10 times smaller than ours. Therefore, 6,000 kerbal km = 60,000 km We have plenty of data on 60,000 km gas giants.
  6. There's a relevant XKCD for everything. Even this very MechJeb thread.
  7. I engineer and then pilot things completely stock. What does that make me?
  8. We're all forgetting the KSP is a game, not a NASA Management Tycoon, and hence you can play it however you want. You don't have to replicate was NASA does with space missions.
  9. Jokes are all fun, but this is a game with a steep learning curve. Eeloo seems to need a delta-v of 6300 to go to and return (assuming you don't land - dock a lander to your Eeloo ship!). This is a mass ratio of: 5.0 with chemical engines 2.9 with nuclear engines 1.2 with ion engines Mass ratio is the ratio between fuel and not-fuel. For example, a mass ratio of 5.0 means 4 parts fuel, 1 part ship.
  10. It's youtube comments. Do you seriously, actually expect even a modicum of intelligence?
  11. Holo

    1:1 Planets?

    Change the numbers on the dial for the mission clock. As said earlier on the thread, the planets can look more real-sized by adjusting the FOV (no idea how zzz managed it though)
  12. Railways between cities. Depending on the population of the cities, these are either normal, hovertrains or maglev. Yes, this. It would be great to see some NPCs in game launching spacecraft.
  13. Holo

    1:1 Planets?

    If all you do is change the numbers on the dial, no physical constants will change.
  14. Europa is made out of water http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/28451-Could-Laythe-actually-exist-with-real-physics?p=349683&viewfull=1#post349683
  15. Just have scoring based on speed at infinity for solar escapes.
  16. Thanks. Now all we need is someone for Team Γ, and then we can begin.
  17. This had made me think about Laythe's atmospheric composition, and my calculations show it has a molecular mass of 6.1 to 7.3. EDIT: These numbers seem implausible for an O2/N2 mix. I think the devs didn't run Laythe's atmosphere through the equations when they designed it.
  18. Laythe is heated from the inside, not from the Sun. If the Sun were to disappear, Laythe would quite happily stay warm for many more years. Well, it's all we've got to work from
  19. We're talking about Jool. By larger than Saturn, I meant comparatively. It just really irks me when people say "Jool is smaller than Earth 1:1 scale plz devs!". This man gets it.
  20. I'm a Probe Engineer, so if any probes need making I can do so.
  21. Jool's larger than Saturn, so I don't think it will have any problems on the radiation-generating side.
  22. That's true; it has too much radiation to be hospitable.
  23. Report New Spacecraft Design sMirK (Base) http://i.imgur.com/PVhkzTQ.jpg Here's the design! Fun Fact: At current rates of production, it will take 2 years to build and launch this from the KSC.
  24. Dilley First kerbalnaut to survive a drop from space
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