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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Indeed, but describing specific events rather than general technologies makes it tip over to the "too sci-fi" side. .
  2. Yeah, I added that because I saw a couple of complaints about it.
  3. Well, once all solar-sized stars are dead, your neighbour's red dwarf looks really bright, and come to think about it, it would probably be better if you had it.
  4. The single-celled organisms are extremophile bacteria, and the 2075 life lives under the ice sheet and is multicellular. I've removed it, it is quite redundant. I've shrunk the Terran Empire down to 500 ly It turns out that we are. Also, the Type III would also include a strong alliance between the different species of the galaxy. It's similar to how all countries on Earth are considered "human civilisation", despite being distinct entities. They hit us first!
  5. Sure, practically infinite, but as Asimov writes in The Last Question, "10 billion years isn't forever".
  6. If you're read fine structure, you can just say that the being convert themselves into information and move house out of Alef or something like that.
  7. You don't kill, conquer and destroy. I don't kill, conquer and destroy.
  8. EDIT: Never mind, I like what you've done with it. An inter universal war does sound interesting.
  9. One's already happening EDIT: This is just a minor skirmish between two troops. Many are still being deployed.
  10. Right click, and then "add row below". There, I moved it to 2220. The idea is that the 2260 antimatter makes colonisation possible, but exploration is feasible by 2220 if you can handle the slower speeds.
  11. Very insightful and helpful. Your parents must be proud. The real answer is that you go into the .cfg files and copy and paste the code for the dish into the antenna's file.
  12. Have you killed anyone lately? Sure, as a species we are somewhat violent, but less than other species. Source: Sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson of Harvard University (from here).
  13. Well except for the fact that we need food, water, air, psychological stimulation, communication, etc.
  14. Assume two sets; One of all natural numbers One of all integers The second is within the first, however the second one does by no means contain every number despite being infinite. The first contains an infinite number of infinite sets, as it contains integers+0.0[n]1, integers+0.0[n]2, and so on. The second is infinite, but the first is even more infinite.
  15. It's based on this source http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/longrange2/WorldPop2300final.pdf Also, the timeline does seem to stabilise at 9 billion in 2050, albeit in a roundabout way. The idea is that the population rises to a peak of about 9.2G at around 2075, then falls back down to 8.9G. After 2040, there's a change of only 300M, which is rather small on the scale of a planet.
  16. Well, this is what happens when I zoom into Jool: All I can see is Bop and Pol, and even then only when they are in the right place.
  17. In every multiplayer game ever, people who start late have a disadvantage. Even in minecraft; if you join a server late, you don't have as many items as the orther people. If each person votes on timewarp and the lowest timewarp wins, then people will be able to not timewarp whenever they want to.
  18. Nope. The reason timewarp and patched conics work is because we have an equation that can calculate the exact position of a spacecraft at any point in time. Adding even 1 more gravitational pull would make that impossible.
  19. The trails of the planets are too wide, I can't see the moons. They should fade once you reach a certain zoom level. Also, what is this "Atomic Space Navy" thing? It sounds like something nyrath would make :-)
  20. More like a=∞, b=∞a, and so on.
  21. In a Video Game ≠Implausible or Impossible
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