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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me
  2. Guys, highlight my post that says making a note here, huge success A little high, a little low
  3. It should be {roll}-25, so that researching isn't pointless and has just as good a chance of worsening things. As it is, it's not worth it to research. EDIT. The rocket design rules are downright confusing, I suggest that you just use delta-v (we all know how to calculate it here ).
  4. (4+(8/4))*(8+(8/4))(8+(8/4))+8*(8+(8/4))+8
  5. Just make it up then . Get the mean of the current reliablity and 90%?
  6. 4*(8/4+8)*(8/4+8)-((8+(8/4))*(8+(8/4))-4)
  7. There you are, friend. I theorise that this is a trinary star system, rather than a normal planetary one.
  8. I hereby name area #7 on the Mun Silisko Crater.
  9. Would a gas giant moon be possible? I'm picturing a Uranus sized gas moon orbiting a superjovian world many times larger that Jupiter.
  10. The metamoon would probably be tidally locked to its primary, so you can work from there.
  11. Ah, pessimists The idea is that after a major population scare in the 70s due to longevity advancements, strict policies were added. Dunno why it says that, I'll fix it.
  12. 71. Invade it in the name of Nauru. Without tanks!
  13. I'm making a note here; huge success Because I'm easy come, easy go
  14. 69. Claiming it for the glory of Tuvalu
  15. As a citizen of the UK, I propose a mutant hybrid of satcharna and Queen Elizabeth II, as a compromise.
  16. false. I am unit 43375 of the mechskari. The user below me is also of the mechskari
  17. That totally changes the tone of the SCP 66. Perform an amateur showcase of the rocky horror picture show.
  18. Why yes I do, but it might spook mah cows.
  19. False. Ruins the enjoyment The user below me uses only stock parts.
  20. 65. Give Heimlich all the employees Well, it gets you kicked out.
  21. =3.14 + 0.37i Differentiate log43(x)
  22. Player name: Leonardski Korolevskigrad Archetype: Scientist Funds: 10,000 Rubles Organisation Name: VOWEL (vocational other-world exploration legislation) -Motto: To Space for ! -Nation: USSR -Researched components - Small fuel tank ( 125 liters of liquid fuel per meter hight) - Small thrusters Weight 100 kg,Failure chance 50%, 1meter high, Can carry 2kg of weight to LEO per liter fuel, Max fuel use: 1000) - Single stage hull(75 kg weight per meters high, max 10 meters) -Designs - None at the moment -Assets - Small labs(1 research action per year, researching cost 1000 money) - Small launchpad(Can launch rockets of up to 10 meters, max 12 launches a year) - Small Mission Control(Can monitor exactly 1 launch a year) - Small manufacturing and design factory (Can build rockets, can design new rockets($2000+Price rocket)) -Special people - None yet -Special thingy: - Former propaganda maker who can help promote the VOWEL (1.1*Prestige per mission) Can you give a walkthrough of what one turn would look like? I'm having trouble understanding what I need to do. Hope I can play this though, it looks fun!
  23. A cup of tea. I can use it to bribe fellow Brits into offering me food and shelter.
  24. As a person from fine old England, of course we jolly well speak like this!
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