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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Yay! Recognition! They're all here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/28317-17-x-9-px-Flags-of-the-Solar-System I'm also looking forward to mechjeb becoming stock.
  2. Yes, because nobody said that resources would be in .21. Personally, I'm looking forward to multiplayer, weapons and aliens.
  3. Some Kerman Clan state propganda explaining the whole thing When was that idea of "Ker" meaning "Our" first posted? I think I might have invented it http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33887-What-do-you-call-the-sun-in-Kerbal-Space-Program/page10
  4. If you want to, you can add these to the OP. I'll make system diagrams for new planets or whenever a major change to an existing one occurs.
  5. It does, however, have female Latvia from the gender swapped version of Hetalia: Axis Powers.
  6. You mean the Kennedy Space Center in Florida?
  7. 9/10 - One can never forget your signature.
  8. What would a purple Eve with the orange clouds look like?
  9. A squid ionship docks with it, and slows it until it becomes a third moon of Ignus. EDIT:
  10. This is my canon now. Liquid sulphur with lepidolite dust suspended in it.
  11. All of the Kerbal's rulers are off by a factor of 10 or so, hence whenever they try the measure density it is off by quite a bit.
  12. Mercury is very rare compared to other elements, I don't think that it could exist in large enough amounts to make an entire ocean on Eve.
  13. Sulphur is liquid at that temperature. If you have some kind of colloid in it, I think you might be able to change the colour to match Eve's oceans.
  14. Dear Squad, I want you to add more rocket boosters so that we can smash cars which a kerbal is flying directly into Jool. Also I like to shoot kerbals into the Kraken's maw. You should bring love to Kerbin through donuts shaped like Kerbals. This won't add chaos to the game revenue because donuts are tasty and bacon is evil. This pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis will affect Eeloo in landings because Jeb cannot sleep without rockets falling apart almost every millisecond. So multiplayer can kick Bill's kerbehind out the planet's atmosphere. Besides, Bill gets extreme G-force when jeb flies on SRBs. Donkey's lick explosive liquid Kolas when they invade Kerbin with cake and flavored octopus. I eat SANVICH when I play my game on Macindownux. That's not all that Mr. Postman wants from Moho, he crashed his pogo-stick and backstabbed Princess Bubblegum. Frankly, Waluigi jumps onto Kerbol, then ubercharges the
  15. Their appearances match how I imagine their personalities perfectly. Bob looks like he walked in the room by accident and rolled with it, and Bill looks like the kind of guy who can achieve an orbital rendezvous using only the stars and three rocks.
  16. I don't have any mods at all. STOCK MASTER RACE FTW I need an isometric-ish angle for the crafts, so if you could take one it would be brilliant .
  17. I'm using the Game Maker Studio engine with GML. Only one I'm smart enough to use
  18. I think solar. It's the only energy source that is plentiful enough and easy to obtain to support multistellar civilisations. Antimatter's all well and good, but you haver to either find a large depost of natural antimatter or put in mjore energy that you get back.
  19. If Squad gets mad, it's their problem . In all seriousness, if anything happens I'll just use the engine to make a similar game without any of Squad's worlds. Those are just the kind of thing I need . Can I have the .craft files?
  20. I think of Oa from Green Lantern. When I say H
  21. The eyes showing through the hair is a deliberate stylistic choice.
  22. I like it, but if it's a Type II would there be at least some planet scale megastructures? After all, to reach type II you need the equivalent of a dyson sphere.
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