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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Well, that settles it. Laythe is being warmed somehow, now the only question is how.
  2. Yes I can. Excuse me, I need to raise my apojove so I can get a lower peribop.
  3. The Great Game was essentially a large strategy board game used to make up the back story of the pen-and-paper RPG "2300 AD". It's been described as somewhat like a free-form civ game. If anyone else would be interested in participating in such a project, I could set up a website and stuff for it. A website is up: http://kerbalgreatgame.webs.com/ webs.com because both I'm an idiot and if it was hosted on my own computer the website would go down every night.
  4. Sputnik now belongs to the Impatinum Waterbe. I have a flag on it, so it's mine.
  5. The Chinese were using solid fuel rockets 700 years before anyone had heard of the V-2.
  6. I wonder why everyone is taking "fly cartoon-ish spacecrafts in a fictitious tiny universe with unrealistic physics" as a personal insult? It doesn't even seem to be talking about Kerbal Space Program, given that our universe isn't tiny and the physics are, in fact, realistic. And even if it was a stab at Kerbal Space Program? Fill your heart with hydrogen, it needs to be lighter Furthermore, handheld devices aren't necessarily low-powered. Recall that Orbiter was made, and worked, in 2000. I don't have the numbers in front of me to confirm, but I'd wager that a modern tablet computer is more powerful than a thirteen-year-old computer. TL;DR: I'm a neckbeared fanboy
  7. Everything's good, but you might want to check the what not to suggest list. Weapons are never going to be in the game, and neither are non-Kerbal sentients, so it would be good if you removed them from the post. Excellent suggestions though! EDIT: I love your suggestion about needing multiple kerbals for long missions so they don't go insane from loneliness. I think it should be based on the square numbers, so a 1 month mission only needs one Kerbal, an four month mission needs two, a nine month mission needs three, and so on. EDIT2: Do you even play Kerbal Space Program?
  8. I totally agree. Anyway, NASA could have put humans on rockets as soon as the first one big enough was built, they just chose not to because it was too unsafe (and congress wouldn't have let them, but in KSP the congress is made of Kerbals). The player should have the same choice.
  9. Do you want any volunteers to write some of the missions? Because I'd love to do something like this.
  10. Hate: Rovers get zero traction on anything. I tried to drive several miles on Minmus, and my opinion of it was "never again" Love: Seeing Jool. Performing orbital maneuvers to meet Bop. Accidently landing on Eve after my cousin forgot to switch the nuclear engine off. Being in the wrong orbit around Duna, undocking the reentry module, and performing an emergency landing with a ship designed for Kerbin.
  11. Use Mechjeb to completely automate the flights, and repeat each flight 3 times to get an average.
  12. I love all of these designs, they look just like what I would expect to see in the mid/late 21st century, or its kerbal equivalent.
  13. I think that we should sign up Rozer to the next manned mission to Eve.
  14. Here is the persistence file for the Xenon module I launched: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0QSKd3qq9H_MjBhZWtqMmxIRHM/edit?usp=sharing The video is coming soon, but uploading is really, really slow. EDIT: It's done! See http://youtu.be/Xrmk5L6YtGc Also, I think one of the bases in the next round should be in this area on Minmus: EDIT2: It's my favourite place on Minmus, thanks to its equatorial location and lack of steep slopes compared to other places. Plus, it's near or on sea level so the altimeter reports your correct height, easing landings.
  15. When you step on the scales, you are using weight kilograms. When you read how heavy a plane is? Weight kilograms.
  16. Kilograms are a measure of both mass and weight. Weight kilograms are equal to mass kilograms multiplied by the local gravity.
  17. It was based on a television poll of the public, who are fallible.
  18. A trillion years is merely an imperceptible fraction of the time left in the universe. Maybe it's only 0.01% so far, but in a billion years?
  19. Bees share more DNA with their sisters than with their children; therefore, worker bees reproducing is actually detrimental to their fitness.
  20. The economic support is the Kerbals' love for spaceflight, and the fact that they bought the rocket boosters cheaply. Also, it says on the wiki that Jebediah is incredibly experienced in the financial sector.
  21. I want achievements to be in Kerbal Space Program, and I in fact use a mod to make achievements. I've landed a man on Duna and build a 25 ton space station. An artificial satellite of mine orbits over the north pole of Bop. I've driven a rover of 18 tons miles across the surface of Minmus. Pretty good for someone who can't think for themselves.
  22. I still don't see what is so difficult about having everyone vote on the timewarp and the lowest speed wins, similar to in DEFCON. This looks so cool! I hope it ends up being fully functional.
  23. Holo


    A wise man once said that everything on Wikipedia can eventually reach philosophy by clicking on links. I say that everything can reach Kerbal Space Program simply by following links on each page. The objective is to get to KSP in the fewest amount of wikipedia links possible. Example: START: Robert Bales links to... 1. United States Army links to... 2. United States links to... 3. NASCAR links to... 4. List of NASCAR video games links to... 5. NASCAR SimRacing links to... 6. Racing simulator links to... 7. Space flight simulator links to... 8. List of space flight simulator games links to... FINISH: Kerbal Space Program
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