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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Sounds reasonable. So what's the timescale on "getting our **** together"? Ten years? Fifteen? If we always thought like that, the Americas would never have been colonised by Europeans.
  2. This is Kerbal Space Program. I wouldn't be surprised if the aircraft carrier carrier was also a boat.
  3. Pointless for players to visit? Why wouldn't you want to visit it? Such high pressure and atmosphere would create some beautiful rock formations, upper atmosphere gliders would be glorious, and Kerbals would be able to walk on it with ease if they had the aid of a robotic exoskeleton. Anyway, I haven't saw anyone land on the Sun yet. What's the point on having it?
  4. What's the double slit experiment about then?
  5. Velocity does tend to 0, but you need to be an infinite distance away from the parent body for that to happen. The rest is all correct - as you move far away, gravity becomes so weak that barely any speed is needed to counteract it.
  6. Relativity means that velocities don't add up in the way you expect.
  7. I've made a list of naval units that could be made in The Game (as well as masses so shipping costs to Laythe can be worked out). Does anyone know about the relative combat strengths of these ships? My above thoughts on combat work on infantry units (= 1 regiment?), so it would be good if someone could shed some light on boats vs. infantry in terms of raw combat strength.
  8. It's medium-firmness sci-fi them. You could try to make it realistic, but if the creator's aren't, then you're doing a pointless task. Anyway, "nuclear/ion engine" sounds like fission and fusion to me.
  9. It's in the Games section now, let us continue!
  10. That guy should post his methods, adding new planets is something revolutionary in the field of KSP modding.
  11. Some random gas giants I made using this system: Radius - 9300000 m Gravity - 1.3 g Colour - Dark Blue Rings - Yes Number of Moons - 3 Radius - 6600000 m Gravity - 1.6 g Colour - Brown Rings - Yes Number of Moons - 3 Radius - 6600000 m Gravity - 1.6 g Colour - Dark Blue Rings - No Number of Moons - 5 Radius - 6100000 m Gravity - 1.5 g Colour - Grey Rings - Yes Number of Moons - 7
  12. >Other We should build a farm, that will allow a safer, reliable and more prosperous source of food that hunting.
  13. Neuter (I've got myself into a german train of thought now) H
  14. I like this idea, but when a Kerbal goes insane rather than messing with the controls the command pod should stop working (similar to a probe core without power). If the insane Kerbal is returned to Kerbin, you should need to pay a large amount of money and the Kerbal won't be available for future flights. If the Kerbal is never returned, an even larger sum of money must be payed.
  15. I like this idea, it would be good if you needed to EVA a kerbal there to install the upgrade as well. Sort of like the repairs done on the Hubble Space Telescope with STS-61.
  16. The same logic applies to removing rovers, aircraft, and landers.
  17. An atom of Californium walks into a bar carrying a tiny glass samurai sword. When asked what it is, he answers "It's my small, new, clear weapon." An atom of Cobalt-60 walks in, with a similar samurai sword, however its sword is sprinkled with sea water. When asked why, he answers "It's my salted, new, clear weapon."
  18. Elephant. ß (or S for those of you who don't love the Eszett)
  19. If you want to speed things along, I've made a bunch of discussions you can contribute to on the site Here's my thoughts on combat as posted there a few minutes ago:
  20. I'll be setting up some threads related to combat discussion on the site later, I have some ideas I've been working on for it.
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