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Everything posted by Holo

  1. The Soviet Union is getting the east half of YouTube? Cool!
  2. Now even the mods aren't reading the thread properly OP, you should put a big warning in the title saying !!Read Post Before Replying!! . This will become especially good once career mode is more developed and time-warping without doing anything for a year waiting for your launch window to Eeloo had a negative effect on your budget.
  3. There are too many people here who just read the title and made the totally original remark that they don't want to stare at an unmoving screen for [time], without reading the suggestion. I find this excellent, it would make the game feel much more like a real space program.
  4. Why? That's not the path that the spaceship will actually take. It's a patched conics setting which shows the path relative to a moon, which will of course be weird since the moon follows its own path through space. Don't worry, it's nothing to do with the extra-planets mod.
  5. You can't attach four round probe cores to a craft and still have them function as wheels.
  6. I just want to say that I like your space hotel, especially the gravity-wheel structure thing.
  7. I'm going to attempt this challenge soon. Do you accept YouTube videos as submissions?
  8. This is better than OP's, because it's the actual path you will take through space.
  9. Are there any astronauts who frequently play Kerbal Space Program? It would be so cool if one became a KSP youtuber.
  10. Turn the patched conics draw mode to 3.
  11. Holo


    I don't get what the plants have to do with a multi-coloured pen...
  12. Don't worry everyone, OP just discovered what patched conics settings are.
  13. Don't you know? All countries have to choose between spending 0% or 100% of their GDP on space programs. There's no middle ground. Although really, how can you justify any sort of research when there are probably people starving somewhere?
  14. Nice, I'm on the ground base. PM me when it's my turn to launch :-)
  15. Check the prohibited game types list... moderators vs. users games are not allowed.
  16. I agree, but they don't call it a "future" timeline for nothing and it's meant to be more of a serious view of the future.
  17. You can eat it if you want, it just doesn't taste very nice.
  18. Space Agency is free, and is a lot like Kerbal Space Program.
  19. The Kerbals developed space flight without inventing a transistor first. The only computers on Kerbin, at least at the start, are the size of warehouses and are made up of hundreds of vacuum tubes. A Kerbal is the best possible guidance system, simply because to do otherwise would be to carry an entire building up on your rocket.
  20. What if the people attacking have weapons that you can't hope to defend against? You're just a mere conscious being, more advanced races shouldn't have to be trapped in their own solar system just so that some brain-sentients can be preserved. Divide both sides by humans, and you have the classic primitive ecosystem vs. humans scenario.
  21. I would ban all discussion of adding resources in the office, because it's funny watching people complain every single version that they've been "delayed again".
  22. Very rapid technological progress has only really started with transistors 60 years ago. Humanity still hasn't grew out of the mindset that next generation will be the same as this one.
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