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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Here's a list of 57 of them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_female_astronauts
  2. Engine exhaust has no reason to be in the game. It just makes it look better. Anyway, Kerbals are all obviously male. Humans have a natural sense of the apparent gender of people, and they all point to Kerbals having the characteristics of males.
  3. That's an excellent mix, because I'm good at coming up with stuff but not at knowing whether it would actually work in a real game . I'm posting some proposals for rules in the forum, you can check them there. If you don't have a webs account, they're still viewable in read only mode, so you can discuss them here. -Thomas EDIT: Just noticed your account on the website, welcome! You have the great honour of being the first actual member.
  4. Have fun: http://imgur.com/a/wOGg3#0 Just lengthening the hair using that texture instantly changes the perceived gender, you don't even need to give them chin surgery! Anyway, my theory of female Kerbals is that they do exist but none have become astronauts, given how real life astronauts are predominantly male. KSP's parts are clearly inspired by the USA's space program, so the first female Kerbal isn't due to enter space until 1983-Kerbal-equivalent. If we take the Kerbal Space Program to begin in 1957-Kerbal-equivalent, that's 26-Kerbal-equivalent years and KSP hasn't been released for that long.
  5. There's a mod that adds female Kerbals, it works with UniverseReplacer.
  6. Glad there's a lot of people interested in this project! We won't be able to play without a ruleset, so if you want to see this happen you can help with the brainstorming on the website.
  7. Or, y'know, an ordinary document with no conspiracies behind it, save for a name which may confuse people who don't read it.
  8. Holo

    The Pun War.

    Let's TREE this again.
  9. I've set up some forum sections on the website: http://kerbalgreatgame.webs.com/apps/forums/ In the coming [time unit]s I'll be making threads about how the outline of the rules can be adapted and extended for Kerbal uses. -Thomas
  10. I'm going to sign up to be a crew member, this looks fun. PM me when the assigning starts
  11. No, just my elite GIMP skills. I found the original map from kerbalmaps.com and modified it from there. If you want the base 3-colour image that I used to make the map, I can supply that too.
  12. From their post, it's making me imagine a large warehouse full of closely guarded and constantly observed top secret cameras
  13. Advances in medical science mean it's likely that I will live into my second century, so I'm going to go with yes, and tickets to space in the Moon will be no more costly than a first-class airline ticket today in terms of hours' income. Tickets to Mars and the outer solar system would also be available, but I'd expect those to cost $100k+ even with major advances in technology.
  14. I've never heard of him, but a pretty interesting read. I'm fascinated by early chemistry, it's interesting to see how our understanding has changed since then and what has stayed the same. Even better, this guy was a conlanger
  15. See that large, green orb in the top picture? The glorious Jool.
  16. I might use my "10,000 hours in gimp" skills to do such a thing . Know where I can find a list of Civ leaders and their pictures?
  17. 602: Add bloks leik minecraft, minecraft is a fun game 602.5: BUTTER rockets which r rare (Fun fact: Every time I type like this, a baby somewhere in the world starts crying)
  18. That looks like a decent space station, just leave them there and inhabit it with some space kolonists.
  19. I'm thinking that rather than have one 300-year game and everything ends forever (and probably moves to a tripod domain, since all the dead websites seem to be there for some reason), there could be multiple great games running in series or even in parallel. That way, even if canon overwrites it there'll still be new games being run with new information. I love your idea of running it in Civ IV. If you end up doing it, I'd love to see the results and the different nations could be used in the Game. For now, the nations existing could be player-made based on some kind of space race/kold war scenario. It doesn't matter whether the Kerbals have national identities or not, I'll just veto that part in favour of an interesting Game. -Thomas
  20. Options > Gameplay > Government Deadlines > None, Lax, Medium, Harsh, Unattainable Nothing can't be solved with some good old difficulty settings
  21. It's been confirmed to be added at some point in the future.
  22. 599: I think their should be TV's so kerbals can watsh fairy odd parents (I feel your pain, Mr. Rage)
  23. The "opponent" could not directly oppose you. It could just be an angry looking Kerbal president telling you "If you don't get a Kerbal in space soon, we're lowering your funding 25%". Enough of this could give a player a push towards advancement,
  24. It could be anywhere from just using the setting (the kerbal system instead of the solar system) to playing out combat scenarios and the like in-game. Here's one I made earlier: From Nyrath's site there's a link to a downloadable overview (at http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/supplement/the-game.zip) of the rules. I envision us brainstorming out the actual rules on the external site I'm going to make, based on this. -Thomas (screw you Rage092 )
  25. I'm bumping this, is anyone interested? Also, to avoid breaking rule 2.3a, here is nyrath's excellent explanation of what the Great Game was.
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