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Everything posted by Holo

  1. This is an excellent example of why we should remove all fuel tanks, engines and parts from the game.
  2. You can only do it once, and it causes death. The ability to pause and unpause time on demand.
  3. 85km is my standard parking orbit, and 150km is where I place things if I want to dock them later.
  4. Everyone, Laythe has a temperature of 6 celsius. Even check in game.
  5. My shirt isn't white either, it just reflects all wavelengths of light equally. Eve is made out of gay fruit juice planets. They combined in the solar nebula.
  6. The one I chose was second at the time of my choosing, which means I'm a sherson etc.
  7. lol u mad bout txt sp33k, u gramr ppl That also hurt to type. I'm never going to leave you again. Also, to redeem myself, here is a nugget of wisdom:
  8. Said bidding is bidding in the auction house, and you have no control over what and how much they bid for. My superpower shall be turning into a stapler.
  9. accidental double post, please ignore
  10. The spaceshuttle containing Adhat Kerman swerved past the vehicle assembly building. Bill's pie went all over the windshield. "Dammit Adhat, I told you to be careful!" he shouted through the radio. -2 ÃŽâ€5 +14
  11. ...offer one of my boosters, at high speed, to the Munbase (don't worry - it's on it's way already)...
  12. Yes, but that sets a dangerous precedent for Squad not protecting their copyrights.
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