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Everything posted by Holo

  1. Card for the Sun. Moho is still at 80% done, but I've also got the Mun and Minmus 80% done too. Any cards you want me to do next? Thanks! I didn't know what to stick on the front, and the knowledge base descriptors seemed perfect.
  2. Scott Manley is the form of pro-ness. Pro-ness is measured via similarity to Scott Manley.
  3. I've encountered a similar "beeping". Can you record a video so I can see whether it is similar to my experience?
  4. You need to launch another mission to hunt down and capture the Silhouette.
  5. Can I have the text "WSO" in the colours of my avatar, with a command pod within the O?
  6. Granted. The language you learn is Old Prussian, meaning that nobody can understand you. I wish Encaladus orbited earth at the same distance as the moon.
  7. Thanks! Moho is about 80% done, and Minmus and the Mun are both around 30%. I've also made a card for the Sun, which I'll upload when I'm back at my computer. I haven't started on the rules yet, but it will be orientated around increasing your industrial, scientific and military capabilities in space.
  8. I'm working on a kerbal space program board game, the working title of which is low-ish frontier. Here's some of what I've made for it so far: Those are planet cards, and the left side is the front, and the right side being the back. They give the info about planets, and the idea is that you place bases and landers atop these cards to amass points. I've also probably broken all known rules of card design with it, so tell me if any changes need to be made.
  9. Granted, it turns into a vacuum cleaner. I wish that Europa melted.
  10. From a terraforming standpoint, Duna is better as you need to move 0.8 atms of mass to atmosphereate Duna, however you have to move 4 atms to kerbaform Eve. Laythe may be even better, depending on how heavy the equipment to make an artificial magnetosphere is.
  11. I'd advise the comments of any youtube video, unless you have evidence we don't.
  12. No bugs for me (except for the fact that nobody at Squad understands basic rules of english, if the knowledge base records are anything to go by - either that or apostrophes are banned in Mexico).
  13. Thanks! I'll also be using the flowchart. I agree, though there aren't very many asteroids in KSP yet. There's only Bop, Pol, Gilly, and possibly Minmus depending on how wide your definition of asteroid is.
  14. Granted, but now you are unable to make corruptions. I wish space was of a typical difficulty characteristic of space.
  15. Granted. You sink through the surface and fall permanently unconscious due to the heat. I wish space was easy.
  16. I had the opposite problem. There was unplayable lag on the demo, but now I can play it perfectly and only get lag when looking down at Kerbin's oceans.
  17. Does anyone have any info on which minable resources might be added into KSP? I may or may not be working on a Kerbal board game inspired by High Frontier, and, hypothetically speaking, I could potentially have these resources in the board game to be mined.
  18. You can use the 1m-to-truss adapter. Not only is it more lightweight, it fits perfectly and looks better for non-atmospheric vessels.
  19. It's because most people, including me, don't analyse movies for character development, just sit back and watch them.
  20. You'd need to invent a universal language between you and the aliens. You might be able to establish numbers by drawing 1 dot, then the symbol 1, two dots, and the symbol 2, and so on. You then suggest to the alien that they should do the same. If you can't communicate back to he alien, for example on the plaque, just give symbols up to about 50 and hope they can work from there.
  21. Granted, but you can only use the extra time when waiting for a bus. I wish my tablets screen was more reliable.
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