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Everything posted by kahlzun

  1. Relevant to preceding post: from left to right, RADAR altimeter, Advanced altimeter, BTDT, Slope Scanner & SAR. The files are easy to change, just open the SCANsat.tga in paintshop or whatever, and change the bottom-left rectangle. et voila.
  2. It shouldn't do: the only time kerbals add mass is to the external seats. Easy way to tell, bail one of them out, and see if the mass shown on the map screen changes..
  3. Nice! A viable challenger to Mapsat! With regards to optimal orbits: isnt it better to have a retrograde orbit when scanning (ie: 95 or so) so that you leverage the rotation of the planet more?
  4. i checked if you can land on minmus using ions. yes, you can.
  5. Nice! As you can see in my sig, this has been bothering me for a while
  6. Funnily enough, it's the same sound. It speeds it up a lot on 'flameon'. I'm not really sure what to replace it with. If you want to play around with different sounds, just replace the sound_stop.wav in the folderwith a different sound, see what the result is..
  7. If you want an accurate representation, this is to scale, showing aphelion and perihelion correctly. Size of the suns is also correct. You might need to zoom in...
  8. ive been playing since August 2012, nearly every day. I think i have officially spent more time on this game than any other activity ever.
  9. For anyone who has already downloaded this, please be aware that I need to record a licence for this mod, as such I proclaim CC BY-SA 3.0 (Essentially, you can take, change, adapt and modify the code as you see fit, as long as you don't claim copyright on it.)
  10. That was awesome! Like some sort of outer-space death spider eating the ship one bit-at-a-time! My initial design attempted inwards-firing engines like that, but I wasn't able to get it working right. Nicely done!
  11. Sure, I've never been too fussed about mods, and at least one of the options rewards creativity..
  12. Ok, so here's my first attempt complete. Partially failure (read: total) I sent up the good ship "Rocketeer" to intercept. Caught up just within Duna's orbit, proceeded to blast away with the girder rockets you see on top. Note that I didn't test these prior to launch, expecting the symmetrical thrust would cause them to fly straight. Sadly, this failed, and the net result of my volleys was a single fuel tank destroyed, and the Mk1-2 pod disconnecting. I then suicided the Mk1-2 capsule to pieces. While my execution failed, it does prove that it is, in theory, capable: i rendezvoused with the enemy ship well before it got anywhere near Jool, and if I had any competence in weapon design, the Destruction mission would have most likely been successful.
  13. Keep in mind that thread is very old, probably at least back in 0.19- things may have changed since then. I think if you want to learn how to code dlls, you should go for it. There are lots of tutorials on this site.
  14. It's a bit tricky to hit a different planets moon from LKO, I had to fiddle things a bit to get it as accurate as I did. That said, I'm glad people are trying it.
  15. Unfortunatly, even those sounds have a perceptable change, even over a second or so. See here:
  16. It didn't turn out quite the way I wanted: for some reason coming "out of flameout" did something strange to the sound, and it doesn't sound quite right, but just for you here's a version with the 'hyperdrive failure sound' added for the flameout SFX: I'll link a video shortly that has the new 'flameout' version, as well as a (terrible) TIE sound.
  17. This seems like a much better service, thanks briansun1. Download link updated to new service!
  18. Now, that sounds cool! Y..yes.. how did you know? THERE WERE NO WITNESSES.
  19. Sadly, files that play on activation are a bit more tricky, and would probably require plugin work. I'm not really sure. I was trying to get a sound for the Sunbeam also to no avail. Indeed, it's just a .wav file. Replace the 'sound_loop.wav' with a tone of your choice, or edit the file. I'll have a look into 'tweaking' the sound, I hadn't heard of the Shepard tone before, pretty cool!
  20. (NOT CURRENTLY Working in 0.25) Hi gang! Does it bother you how eerily silent the Ion drive runs? Have you ever had to click back to the window, just to check if its still running? Have you wasted precious Xenon fuel because you didn't realise the Ion had run out of power? WELL, NO MORE! Presenting the new and updated "Original Ion Sound Mod!" Originally added in 0.18, compatability for this mod died when the sound rules changed in 0.20. Languishing ever since, user nothke posted how to add new sounds for your SRBs. This helped me realise how to add sounds to 0.22! As the parameters for ion engines changed in 0.23.5, required to update file. Without further ado, a sample video: (Note that the sound has been selected to be unobtrusive (apart from the 'flameout' sound)).. Download available from Curse! Download Mirror on Mediafire! Download Mirror on KerbalStuff! (Note: In the original thread, a common request was for "TIE fighter sounds" to be added as an option. I have sought a sample file where the engine sound remains constant with no avail. If someone can locate a TIE sound that doesn't change in pitch or tone (or have other sounds over the top) I might be able to make something up...) EDIT: It has come to my attention that I need to record a licence for this, as such I proclaim CC BY-SA 3.0 (Essentially, you can take, change, adapt and modify the code as you see fit, as long as you don't claim copyright on it.) INSTALLATION: Effectively, just copy the .zip to your root folder in KSP. This DOES overwrite the original file, and add the .wav files to the part, but makes no change to the function of the engine (apart from the sound). Uninstallation is easy, simply delete the sound files. CHANGING THE SOUND: In the directory (GameData\Squad\Parts\Engine\ionEngine\part\Sounds) you will find two .wav files, sound_loop and sound_stop. If you desire a different sound, simply replace the sound_loop with a .wav of your choice. For it to work, the .wav must start with "sound_xxx"
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