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Everything posted by kahlzun

  1. Titan has very poor similarities to Laythe. Titan is cold enough its 'seas' are ammonia, and its atmosphere is a noxious goop you couldn't even see out of.
  2. Or the oceans or Laythe are water based, and the radiation is stripping the oxygen from the water in a admittedly pretty cool water cycle. Laythe may not be habitable to the level that Chobit envisaged, it would be the easiest place to colonise simple because of the oxygen atmosphere. Assuming the Kerbals need to breathe and drink, an external supply of oxygen drastically cuts down the required complexity of life support. Also, the cosmic radiation is unlikely to be much less on any other planet, Laythe's atmo would provide some protection: but you'd still need shielding.
  3. hey, mate. welcome to the rabbit hole. Mind your step, its a slippery slope.
  4. In the stock game it is weird, and doesn't make much sense. There is a mod called "FAR" (Ferram Aerospace) which claims to add realistic drag/lift, including stalls. I haven't used it myself, but from what I've seen, it looks to be legit.
  5. Just add something to the otherside that you can decouple. Alternatively, lots of RCS.
  6. I'll just let these speak for themselves. (look at the vertical speed guage for an idea of how badly these are not going to space) Note that Jeb still looks fully stoked in this shot.
  7. (this thread post has been resurrected from its cached state before the crash. I am using 18.4 in these shots) Well, it was a sod to land, and ran away when I tried to take a photo, but I have finally built a working SSTO! the creatively named "SSTO Prototype III" ! On the runway: (I use the Obliterator mod: the runway and launch tower are not visible, saves memory) at a 102x102 orbit (+- 1.3km) When landed, I unloaded Bill and tried to get a shot like the runway shot. The plane disagreed, and being landed on a slight slope decided to run off.. Bill eventually managed to corner the plane, and got my 'landed' photo: and thus, I claim my K-Prize!!
  8. Do i get credit for my completion? Got eaten'd by the forum Kraken, but i think i have the pix around someplace..
  9. kept my account, but a little sad about my threads that got eaten. C'est la vie. also, my signiture.
  10. Alternatively just 'shutdown' the engines which are pointing in the unwanted direction.
  11. I like the way this challenge is presented
  12. Hi gang! I was recently prototyping out a rover design, and needed to activate Hack Gravity to escape a potentially bad situation. It stayed on the next time I launched. I restarted the game: same thing. No buttons on the 'debug toolbar' seem to change anything. How does turn off pls?
  13. ... You're watching romantic fireworks with your Significant Other, who gets annoyed with you when you start trying to figure out their Isp and TWR.
  14. I just had a go at it, and ended up with a complete mess. This may not be a possible challenge :S
  15. The challenge here is intended to be more around building a ship without the help of the GUI. Obviously, this is on the honor system.
  16. Hi guys: quick challenge. This should probably be simple for some of the coding geniuses we have floating around, but it should be at least interesting for the rest of us, as well as educational as to what goes on behind the scenes. Your goal is to build a ship, which you land on the Mun, however you can't use the SPH or VAB to build it: You need to construct the ship completely manually by adding code to a new .craft file. (Note: to make this easier, you can create a new ship in SPH/VAB, but it can't have anything other than the command pod before you start coding) (Also Note: in order to get all the names for parts etc, you can refer to the .craft of other ships- but don't just copy/paste the whole ship!) Stock fuel & engines only, please. Any other mods are fine. Go forth and build!
  17. And just for confirmation: the auto ISP thingy means that atmospheric engines automatically shut off past ~13km? No fuel drained?
  18. Zoom can be set by changing the 'cameraFoV = ' in a part that's been activated for the camera. For example: the Probodobodyne telescope part is enabled as a telescope/camera by: MODULE { name = MuMechModuleHullCamera cameraName = Hull cameraForward = 0, 1, 0 cameraUp = 0, 1, 0 cameraPosition = 0, 0.37, 0 cameraFoV = 10 }
  19. Someone make the DeLorean from Back To The Future!
  20. Hi guys, I was just reading through an old blog of HarvesteR's: (http://kerbalspace.tumblr.com/post/6872084213/first-release-is-up) where he spoke about the first public release of the game, and some other interesting things. The dates on the posts aren't helpful (just says "1 year ago") and I'm wondering: when is the anniversary for our beloved KSP?
  21. (note that this was not originally intended as a Spacecraft Design thread, just a 'omg oops' post, so move if needed.)
  22. Sure thing! Here's the modified part: http://www./?2ydav5d9orlxhac (extract the folder "turboFanEngine_side" to your parts folder) and here's the 'rocket'. http://www./?29wgh2df21iss2n It is pretty ridiculous, overheats after about 30s at full throttle, and if you turn too hard launches the engines every which way like a cluster bomb. but, it flies. IT FLIES IN THE FACE OF REASON ITSELF! (oh, and you need Mechjeb, obviously) [EDIT: Looks like the file I uploaded was a later one where some control surfaces were added. Take them off for the first run- it flies better without them, bizarrely)
  23. I am trying to modify the TurboJet engine to radially attach to a fuel tank, because I've worked out they are an effective replacement for a SRB. I made a copy of the 'stock' Turbojet, and updated it with bits from the small SRB .config (the bits that allowed radial mounting). Then things got weird: WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?? BEHOLD! The HALO rocket! I know what you're asking yourself: Will it fly? It flies quite well. (for about 40s, needs some control surfaces methinks)
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