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Everything posted by kahlzun

  1. Unfortunatly, testing with any 'heavier' rounds means that the thing starts to fly, and cannot realistically be considered a 'car' at that point. Also, for some reason my design decided it didn't want to live anymore, and now whenever I load it the controlling probe body falls off, even if it's strutted on. Very weird.
  2. Experiment Log 914 Name: ███████, supervised by Professors ███████ and ███████ Date: 09/06/2013 Total Items: Four (4) functional miniature "Orion" Nuclear pulse 'rockets' Input: One (1) model rocket as described above. Setting: 1:1 Output: An identical rocket, where the radiation symbol has changed color to 'blue' Input: One (1) model rocket as described above. Setting: Rough Output: 4 seperate piles of metal. Testing shows amounts equal to those in the model. ███████ suffered radiation burns and required hospitalisation, when attempting to ███████ one of the piles, which was later confirmed to be U-235 in a semi-critical state. Input: One (1) model rocket as described above. Setting: Fine Output: A model rocket of a different design. Closer examination shows it to be a functional, miniature NERVA rocket. Input: One (1) model rocket as described above. Setting: Very Fine Output: ███████ launched out of the room, injuring several staff as well as tearing a hole of diameter ███████ through a structural steel wall. Later analysis of security footage shows the ███████ thrust, appears to show quantum energy being ███████ for thrust.
  3. I'm in the middle of constructing a scenario for part of a Challenge I'm going to submit shortly. There doesn't seem to be any info on how to change your persistant file to a scenario: is there any trick to it? Thanks for any help, Sam
  4. Top speeds tested: 0.88MN: ~130ms 2.00MN: ~200ms
  5. gonna build this, hold pls. edit: The story made me think of this: (Alpha centauri is a very good game also)
  6. romfarers lazor is probably needed for this, as it activates physics for items further away (allowing aerobrake)
  7. In order to do this, i think you'd need to make the mothership plane-ish, with wing surfaces. things fly REALLY well in Duna's atmosphere, so you could trickle along slowly, dropping pods as you go. Balance might be an issue..
  8. In case anyone is looking for this, the song's name is Particle Man - They Might Be Giants - Flood
  9. Hi all! Just want to show off a recent creation: The 'Ultimate Racer'! Made using Nyrath's Orion Pulsed Nuclear Rocket mod, this beast uses atomic power to hurl itself along at ungodly speeds! Note that this model uses the weakest nuclear bombs available. Will release stronger ones if needed dl here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sofzzza4fbh7got/ultimate%20racecar.craft
  10. Am I the first person to try turning this into a horizontal vehicle since its release?
  11. Build a Kerbal Cannon pointing vertical, and launch a kerb using it. Then, launch a rocket with lots of ladders on it, and try to fly close enough to him so he can grab the ladder, before he hits the ground
  12. that's a question: how well does infiniglide work on Eve? You should be able to get a stock SSTO using that...
  13. You did say you'd 'hit' the Mun, not 'land'...
  14. Weirdly, if you look at the wiki, Tylo, Laythe and Jool all have the same gravity (7.85 ms)
  15. If you're not too caught up on being all stock, the Hooligan airship mod will make your life much easier... ...also, the ion engine isn't able to lift itself on Kerbin, let alone Eve. Bringing those along will just increase the weight of the craft.
  16. This gives me an idea though: using only air-breathing engines, get the highest periapsis possible (i've had one up to 256km before)
  17. To fly right around the world at about 2000m (speed maybe 400ms) would take about 5 hours..
  18. Speaking of IVA, when are they going to fix the Mk2 Cockpit?
  19. You *have* to include 'Reticulating Splines' It's back from the old SimCity, and afaik it's just gibberish it said every time it loaded.
  20. What was that from? Looked kinda interesting.
  21. I play with a limited collection of mods that add things I feel the game needs, or which open interesting possibilities, like the 'airship' mod which adds blimps, or the ISA Mapsat mod, which allows you to 'map' other planets.
  22. this is normal when you get KSP-itis "You know you're addicted when..."
  23. Build a spaceplane that only uses rocket engines, and see who can do the most loop-the-loops in a row
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