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Everything posted by kahlzun

  1. If you make it a circular orbit, the length travelled is (2*pi*r). If you divide by your orbital velocity, that should give you time taken.
  2. [Jeb goes on EVA] "Let me back in, MechJeb!" "I'm sorry, I can't do that, Jeb
  3. So, we can have a pod crewed by Jeb, in the same pod as his robot brain>? Wouldn't that be really creepy?
  4. To hear the lamentation of their women! Actually, reliability and fuel efficiency. I've recently started replacing SRBs with Jet Engine pods. Slightly less thrust & weight, and -much- longer burns (SRBs last until about 3000m or so, Turbojet can get up to ~15000m)
  5. Whats the thrust on these? I know you can get into a near-orbit on the Mun, but are they sufficient to safely land & take off again on Gilly or Bop?
  6. Hm.. the control pod looks a little skewed.. could be the colleaugue... how much did that model cost, and did you make it hollow or solid?
  7. What I mean is: If you have a NERVA, running in vacuum at full throttle, it will ALWAYS A: provide 60kN thrust B: Have an ISP of 800 C: 'use' 1.5L/s fuel. No matter how hot the rocket gets, or if it's trying to push 200T, or if its landing on an (atmosphere-free) planet, as long as 2 of the 3 above are provided, the third will also be true. Logically, this means there is some mathmatical relationship between 1.5L/s, 60000N, 800(s) Isp which I am unable to deduce. I understand that coding-wise, Isp has replaced FuelConsumption, but I am trying to figure out the logic thereof.
  8. Hi guys, I've been trying to work out some of the math behind KSP (and rockets in general I guess) and I've gotten stuck on something: Given an ISP and a thrust value, how does the game calculate fuel consumption? As the fuel consumption is static independent of those two values, clearly they interact, however Google, Wikipedia, and Wolfram|Alpha have failed me, I throw myself upon your mercy! Any ideas?
  9. hey gang, new challenge here: get a rocket in a circular orbit around The Sun (Kol) as low as you can get. This gets increasingly difficult at lower orbits due to insane high dV required..
  10. You also need to define what 'too far' is in relation to Jool..
  11. but if you refuel-intercept in the lower orbit...
  12. hi guys, i was just reading about the Oberth Effect (faster speed gives 'bonus' efficiency), and I started to think: does this mean that starting from a -lower- orbit (where you travel faster) will net you extra fuel savings for going interplanetary, as opposed to starting from a higher- and therefore slower orbit?
  13. Let us know how it goes: I'm sure we all have at least 1 rocket design we're 'attached' to, would be nice to have a model-on-demand service!
  14. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34404[/ATTACH] and redneck is defeated by evolution.
  15. Hi guys. Been playing around with KSP for a while now, and am trying to figure out how the Specific Impulse (isp) of engines compares. If I have 2 NERVA engines in vacuum, does that mean my equivalent thrust etc goes from 60kN 800 Isp to 120kN 400 Isp? If this is true, it compares unfavourably to the Toroidal aerospike which is 250 kN 390 Isp or does Isp have a logarithmic effect? I checked wikipedia, and the article wasn't much help with explaining stuff, and my higher math isn't so great. halp?
  16. Is there a function that detects the 'height' of the atmosphere? Trying to make the lowest orbits possible..
  17. Hi guys, i've just recently started getting some orbital debris around Kerbin, and thought i'd go clean up. I ran out of fuel while trying to land, so the orbit of my target is about 104x268 km. I can match the orbital eccentricity without too much difficulty, but I am having trouble moving my ap and pe to match the vessel. Behold! [ATTACH=CONFIG]33715[/ATTACH] the [ap] is the same, but about 10 degrees west of what I need. I tried changing the orbit from where I needed the nodes to be, but it 'undid' all my good work when putting it back to the correct orbit. halp?
  18. [ATTACH=CONFIG]33546[/ATTACH] By the way, it looks like somethings screwing up the TWR when in space.. 20.4T 215kW Surface TWR 0.62 Currect TWR 13098.70
  19. Someone suggested a visible SOI indicator around a planet- very useful. please implement.
  20. Hi guys, looks like Google has changed its file hosting thingy, and the links dont work now.. any chance of editing them? thx.
  21. So.. does this mean if we go fast enough.. the Kraken will destroy the WHOLE UNIVERSE instead of just the ship??
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