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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. Banned For Not Doing This, Which Is Perfectly All Right.
  2. All right I guess, as "people have different opinions and preferences", as everyone on the internet already heard.
  3. That looks pretty good @tygoo7 It's not that bad, the forums I mean, and I expect it to get better over time, as SO many people are complaining about "eye-sore" fonts or background color. As for going back to vBulletin, it's probably not gonna happen. Not even a petition could make "they" go back after all that trouble with migrating and such. DENIED How To Delete Tables ? ?
  4. The new forums need to be modded so people can use it? ...... Though I assume most of these problems and/or bugs are being looked at and will be fixed or improved.
  5. Look What It Does I had some problems with this new editor, but I forgot them all.
  6. Banned for not realizing how easy it is to forget stuff like that.
  7. 6/10 Do we still need to tell people that?
  8. Banned for being wandering aimlessly across the universe in Space Engine.
  9. Banned for not banning Pseudon for posting at the same time as me.
  10. (John) Delorean
  11. YAY Até que enfim uma thread nova!!!!!Só que agora é (mais uma vez) para copiar uma outra já existente! sou bom nisso, né Agora, vou esperar os 5 replies que esta thread recebera antes de ser enterrada nas profundezas das páginas anteriores desse sub-forum. ooooo Eu me bano? Eu estou me banindo pela razão de não ser criativo quanto a criação de threads. Regras: (precisa, né) Obedeçam a elas. elas: Você deve banir o usuário acima (não pode escolher quem quiser) Só, eu acho.
  12. Banned for having dots before the word gif.
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