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Everything posted by air805ronin

  1. You probably missed all the posts about the fact old save files will not be compatible with .21 because they had to change the way crews are manifested and attached to vehicles. To make your old save compatible will involve editing the old file to match new requirements, and even then its been implied there could still be problems. So no....even if you do this with .21 you will still lose things.
  2. Lately? Prison Architect Euro Truck Simulator 2 Kerbal Space Program
  3. As an IT Professional I refer people to this all the time. Lets me prove to them I'm not lying about the other 1000 users who have no issues.
  4. I have a laptop that is way overkill for KSP. XOTICPC custom laptop with an I7, 16 Gb RAM, decent video card, and currently the pain in my rear is running off a sata drive. I plan on upgrading to an SSD soon, with dual sata drives raided for storage. Was it more expensive than a desktop? Yes. Is it worth it to be able to game while the fiancee watches TV? Totally. I also travel a bit, enjoy being able to move my gaming set up quickly. Plus I can run 3 virtual machines and still run KSP on my main desktop all at the same time. Edit: Also, its upgradeable, though the special form factor parts are the harder thing to get. Judging from my particular use scenario, however, I doubt many people would want one like this. I'm a datacenter guy as my dayjob and often need to try out new server builds, and like the comfort of my home to going in to work or working remotely.
  5. Sounds like you're pitching for Kerbals to start utilizing government contracting in their space programs...
  6. You can turn off Auto Updating on Steam. I don't use it for KSP (stuck with the store) but that option works great for Civ 5 and Dawn of War 2.
  7. Regarding the concept of people being drowned out by fanboys...I went through all the pages here and found 9 users disagreeing with the OP (I tipped the scales) and 8 agreeing with him. 4 mods have taken part in the thread, and roughly 15 people have posted about not caring, jokes, or some semblance of middle ground. There has also been 2 skewing off on tangents: Minecraft related talk and Angus's backseat moderation. This seems like a pretty fair thread. Most seem pretty fair to me. Seems to me, that like political discussions, people really don't like when someone doesn't agree with them. edit: And this really is just a subjective analysis, other people may interpret posters differently than me.
  8. This subject again.... For reference the "lets not" thread from the other night had a 4 star rating until it spiralled out of control and was brought down to a three. I don't know why I was paying attention to it but I was. Since we can't see how many people actually rated it (something I never do) it could have been rating #3 or #25. Since we don't know how many ratings it got, it could fluctuate quite wildly based off one vote... As the mods have pointed out the stars have no meaning. Doubly so since the rating system is almost never used. You can see this by looking at any page on the forum at the list of threads. its seems to me, in all of these threads, there are just as many people being critical as there are doing the praising. It seems that many of the critical voices lately feel they're being shouted down. they seem to feel outnumbered. Its a recurring theme in these threads. I personally don't see it that way. I think we have a nice balance of people who are happy with certain things and people who are unhappy. edit: clarity
  9. Don't forget the big red abort button, for which you have the switch you have to flip to enable the button. Or two kerbal authentication with keys. (I second the fact that an arduino project only takes a little more effort and knowledge than a controller mod)
  10. One key thing I remember is setting up an arduino to emulate a keyboard and not necessarily a joystick, because KSP has a limited number of buttons allowed on a joystick. I may not be remembering that quite right... Edit2: As payload said, also, the finished boards seemed to all use Arduino Leonardos... Really quick initial search: http://www.instructables.com/id/Flight-Simulator-with-Arduino-and-Python/ http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-inexpensive-game-controllers-Arduino-Proc/ The other thread had much better resources, including other controllers that are less expensive than the Arduino line. Edit: The key idea is that your buttons and switches (and joystick) map to inputs on the controller. Then you map those to a keyboard map, and make sure the map in KSP reflects what you have assigned the buttons for. Some things like joysticks and throttles are more complicated because they aren't on/off/multiple press.
  11. If anything I think of its almost like a bolo. Those cool thrown weapons with the balls at the end of lines. Their spin does cancel out the other but doesn't take away momentum, so they aren't slowing down and falling to the ground. Imagine Pluto and Charon as a bolo without lines, mutually drawn together in a dance that isn't slowing them down and throwing them into the sun. Instead they carry on with their current orbital momentum, in a neverending waltz around a star until the universe ends.
  12. A few different people posted their different attempts. I'm sure some will come back for this thread, because that other thread had such a wealth of information in it. Specifically whether to use arduino or another controller board, how to get around limitations, etc. This is something I would desperately love to do...
  13. A. Its not really a feature. its how they coded crew creation to work in its current manifestation. It could just be a placeholder until they add a crew management feature. I wouldn't really go so far as to call it a feature. B. Managing crew is something they have previously stated they plan to add with the career mode, as we'll be training and trying to keep kerbals alive to advance in career mode. I don't know if it will do exactly what you intend, but what they said implied you would be able to pick the crew members that went.
  14. Agreed. I think a lot of us could stand to read what others write and consider it thoughtfully, then respond in kind. It results in much better threads, from what I've seen. I'm trying my best to do that in here. Sidebar: Why is there no "donate beer to developer" button on the storefront? I always coded better buzzed in college....
  15. You're losing me faster and faster. I thought you were making good points till this point. The two or three times I've made a post in the bug report section is was handled quickly and successfully. One of the times was even a problem with me not updating my drivers, and had nothing to do with the game. Still they helped with all the friendliness in the world. The dev blogs are really just highlighted threads started by the developer. This is why they have comments sections, and the devs reply to comments and concerns. If anything they're placed front and center so they can easily be found.
  16. MR4Y, I am not really disagreeing with anything you're saying until you come to this. They made the new demo and it requires a bit of work because they have to carve things out of it and limit it. It may take an hour, or it may take 20 man hours to do. Either way, i don't think they should have to do this for every single new release. It takes the time of a developer or multiple developers from making new content, to editing content for a demo. There is all the truth in the world on display in mentioning on the store and steam that it is not a finished game. Its part of Steam's Early Release and is one of the more functional items in that program. They're very honest about how its in development. The demo is there to show the gameplay they are going for, to give a taste, and entice to buy into what the game wants to be.
  17. I think that even if an official dev doesn't post in a thread, it doesn't mean they don't read them. I would bet even money some of the dev's have peeked through the pages of "Let's Not." Sorry about that, hard to make a point without being able to state it. It did close a couple of the .20 launch threads.
  18. I really fail to see how someone can be shielded in a thread of text. The negative opinions are there for all to see. Its not like one post cancels the other out. Having been creative before in my life, I have found that the negative always outweighs the positive in your concern because it tells you what needs work. Or the perceived belief. I think that too much stock is being put into what other forum members are saying versus reaction from mods or devs. Case in point, instead of locking a thread when it got out of hand permanently, Sal locked it and cleaned up the offending posts and reopened the thread. A mod finds value in the discussion in that thread and is keeping it going. Somehow that thread has gone past 10 pages without calling the mods fascists, so that helps.
  19. While I do agree I see the same trend, I think using the term "bootlicking" automatically sours people's opinions of whatever you might post. Just being honest here... This trend you point out is also indicative of the fact there are generally 2 camps of people. Those who are critical of a path the game may appear to be taking, and those who are quite happy with the path it has been taking. Dualities are present in almost everything about being human. hence when a critical thread jumps out, those who want to present the other side create their own thread. Another inevitability is that people like me will post in the negative thread, and people like you will post in the positive thread trying to make sure the thread shows both sides. edit: even with a built in spell checker I don't actually use it...
  20. Squad's dedicated testers are meant to catch the the atom bombs of the bug world, or else they'd have a large, paid group doing it. As it is, the people who do it were invited and their only payment is to receive test candidate releases (as far as I know, this hasn't changed...). As JonoRig points out, they likely don't necessarily have every combination of hardware and software of everyone in the community. This means you'll occasionally have to have a bug affect you. That is technically the longer version of the "its an alpha" response, but I'll follow it with this: "make sure you file a bug report for each bug you encounter." Every alpha and beta game in existence have channels for bug reporting because QA teams don't find everything. I do a lot of betas and have submitted many, many bugs. The worst offender for me is currently a tie between Firefall and Warhammer Online. Expecting every release from here on out to be sparkly clean is something of a pipe dream until they release 1.0. That said, long running bugs that have been there for almost a year? I would like to think some of those could be fixed, given time (as Sal eloquently put it).
  21. Ignoring the vapid response of a fellow forum goer? I'm not saying the Devs should ignore things. Just that if you make a bug report and someone makes an idiotic response, its generally better to ignore rather than engage. If they post something worthy of responding to, thats a whole different response. I don't see ignoring "thats so kerbal" or "its an alpha" as being harmful.
  22. Anglave, it appeared in almost all of the complaint threads after .20 hit. Complaint about bug ----> they can't fix that, its so kerbal!
  23. 2 cents: Learn to ignore others in the community if you don't like what they say. the only response to be mad about is if someone with a green or red name tells you to sod off. These responses from lets say Harv would be pretty unacceptable unless its pretty obvious he's joking. Oh and the "its so kerbal" thing is annoying.
  24. I would love to see where someone with any weight said this... Unless that response came from Harv, C7, Nova, or any of the other developers I would NEVER put any weight behind it. Even community managers I don't particularly trust for technical details. If any of the development team said this it must have been a bad joke. From the responses I saw, it said that it was an acknowledged issue that they were working to resolve. With respect to what the thread is about, I can see both sides of the argument. I can see why you and others in this thread feel this way. I can also see how many complaint threads do get labeled as entitlement/whining threads. My views: The developers should not necessarily ignore the community (especially regarding content suggestions), but they should put hitting milestones and sticking to the development plan as a priority. Avoid the Notch poison of saying "the forums are screaming for the Kerbals to have pet cats, lets add them!" People who make complaint threads about bugs right after a version release would serve the community better by producing comprehensive bug reports in the support forum. Obviously, bug fixing of major bugs should be a priority. People who complain about features being moved back or the developers changing their development plan due to items being too large for one update....well....this really is whining and is one of the things the developers should read and then continue on their path. Having 3-4 threads each featuring the same people complaining about the same bugs? 3 of those threads should get locked as redundant. Don't like locked threads? Its basic forum management to ensure that productive conversations are taking place. Conversations that have run their course or degenerated into insults should be locked. I've done my best not to throw up straw men. I have not said that your bugs are features. I acknowledge that you have a right to say whatever you want whenever and wherever you want. That said, there are forums for specific conversations. There are people on both sides that certainly do act as if they feel entitled in the threads this threads references. No doubt, judging from current posts in the thread, I probably should have kept working instead of typing this. Also, whatever the original intent of Minecraft I did like what it became. 3D block building game with monsters? I enjoyed this, up until whatever patch I stopped actively playing. I feel like I got my $10 worth. I still occasionally fire it up. But the last 10 or so patches haven't exactly wowed me (though there have been engine optimizatioms I have noticed). You can see the point where Notch sort of just decided to almost randomly throw things into the game in the patch release notes. KSP hasn't shown that tendency yet. Off topic of course, but its been a recurring theme.
  25. First computer was a Commodore 64 when I was 7. Hand me downs rock. My next handmedown, the 386, also rocked. NES, SNES, PS2, XBOX, 360... Realistically I have hundreds and hundreds of hours on lots of games because gaming has always been more fun to me than TV. In the last couple years though I'd put the most hours down for the following games: 1. Skyrim 2. Fallout 3 3. Minecraft (ran a server for my friends and I, found I spent way more time playing that way) 4. KSP
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