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Everything posted by SolarLiner
Banned for polluting the skies above for more than 3 years.
What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?
SolarLiner replied to michaelsteele3's topic in The Lounge
pretty much any conspiracy theory. "I mean, why is the flag WAVING in space?" Sure, you can see movement in a still image... "[insert industry] is making it happen because it's a $[insert random number] billion industry" .. just. There, facepalmed. There are plenty other things too, but I'm not turning this into a basement fist fight, soo yeah. -
Project Arctic Film- Be Part Of Something Great
SolarLiner replied to Vagani's topic in KSP Fan Works
You sound like the perfect guy for the job, and we need active writers more than anything else. If you are willing to do the "sorting" and get a straight plot overview that would be awesome ! -
I got my first screen name when I was playing WipEout on the PSP, and still I'm living in Hautes-Garrone in France, I chose WipEout31. But then I got into Flight Simulator X, and went with AirFranceLiner (because I did nothing but commercial flights with Air France skinned aircrafts back then). Then I discovered Orbiter, and when registering to the Orbiter french forums I felt AFLiner wasn't "appropriate" for space. Since you could do interplanetary flights, which seemed mind blowing at the time (it was a solid 9 years ago now wow), I chose SolarLiner, as an evolution from AFLiner. And then, for those 9 years, that name followed me. But I have two more "names", one is my more or an artist name which is Refractor. The idea goes back 3 years in science class with a friend, we had a running joke about how I could refract light (I wish I remembered the origin of that inside joke lol), and it eventually stuck with me: "The Refractor". And the third is a recent username, an alternate account on reddit to kind of play the character of my favorite character in my fav series: "POI_ROOT".
Plutonium and Helium walked into a bar ... Nobody in a 15 blocks radius survived. Two scientists walk into a bar. The first says, "I'll have some H2O." The second says, "I'll have a glass of water too. Why did you say H2O? It's the end of the day and there's no need to talk about work." The first scientist stares at his drink, angry that his assassination plan has failed. The favorite Kerbal chemical compound? BaOUm (Um being the element of confusion). Why does climber never seem to get a mosquito bite? You can't cross a vector and a scalar. There's 10 type of people on Earth: the ones who know binary, those who don't, those who thought this joke was in binary and the one expecting it to be in ternary.
https://soundcloud.com/refractordj/lorentzviolation-preview Perfect timing, more advertisement to my newest track ...
Let's have a quick history class. Comic Sans was created by Microsoft employee Vincent Connare in 1994, with the legend saying that Melinda Gates herself asked him to design a typefont to go with Microsoft Bob. Connare took inspiration in comic books, and designed a similar font. It never made it into the final MS product, but became available in Windows 95 as a default typefont. Breaking down the font name: "Comic": supposed original font name by Connare, inspired by comic books handwritings "Sans": Appended to notify that it is a Core web font, a font that can be safely used on the Web because whatever will be used to display the page will have those fonts "MS": You tell. The correct French term to translate would be "Sans comique", which would then translate to "without comics". Obligatory Vsauce video:
wow much font very april much update so colors wow
let's bring this up to 44 !
40! lolololololololololololololololol
Nono he's right, it's 34.
Yep, this is much easier to answer. If you do nothing, everyone dies. If you send the small ship, 2/3 dies. If you send the big ship everyone may survive. But if they don't, well you tried, and that didn't change the fate of the sinking ship crew. Therefore you end up sending the big ship and hope for the best.
Granted, however she becomes the ugliest person you'll ever see. I wish that I had a fiancee.
Massive psychological experiment in the KSP forums.
SolarLiner replied to gmpd2000's topic in The Lounge
I'd rather play the game of what did OP watch or read before coming to this experiment. More seriously, there are many unknowns in the dilemma here: who are the 5 persons? What happens next? Can the subject get away juridically by being manipulated? How will the 4 others die if the subject doesn't do anything? True, the last one can be left unknown, but still, it is unknown to the subject, and us here too. I'd suggest to answer to this instead: Pull the lever and one of your relatives dies. Do nothing and 4 strangers dies. It will be later recognized that you were manipulated and thus not the one responsible for your actions. -
No.Because triangles let's bump it back up to 3.
let's bring in a pair 2
-1, SRB activation!
Well this makes it even more awesome then. Thanks for the bedtime reading too
Earth is orbiting a 8 minute late Sun, because gravity transmits at the speed of light. However the effect is not that much noticeable because of the distances and speeds involved.
Did it too, and it turns out, that not much will be affected. Locally everything will be sucked, but the Moon, instead of orbiting the Earth, will be orbiting a black hole. As simple as that. If you turn the Earth into a black hole, mass will be conserved, and so will the gravitational well be. On the end, we're all dead, but the rest of the solar system will not care. However, if matter comes by and enough of it is sucked by the newborn black hole, then it'll gain mass and start growing, sucking even more things, expanding its gravitational well. If enough matter has been added to the black hole (in a short enough amount of time, else it'll be consumed because of the Hawking radiation), the newborn black hole will eventually eat the Sun, gain even more mass, and start to be a problem to nearby interstellar objects.
Does it look like a barn? Waiter, there's bread and a teleporter in my soup!
Yes, yes you are. Your brain is only sets of neurological impulses that sends electrical or hormonal impulses to other parts of your body. Your whole body then responds by sending even more hormones. If your body works, it's because of these biological impulses. What i think you meant there is that we evolved so that lately we've gone away from our natural "be born, have children, die" cycle of life, to integrate more interesting challenges and a more complex social system. But, the basic cycle of life is here: You are born into our world, eventually marry someone and have children with them, and hope they'll be fine, so they could have children as well. This is your view, your mind. You are not attracted in being with someone else, fine. On the extreme, aromantic persons exist. But you are biologically set to fall in love with someone and have children with him/her. Some people feel this more than others, but it's here. EDIT: Oh, and there's being happy, and there's being happy. You have the "I'm happy I did my slingshot mission right the first time!" happy, and there's the "This person is the most beautiful thing that happened in my life" happy. whaaaatt. Long term (lifetime in most cases !) romantic relationships exist: you wouldn't be here if not. True, there are couple that divorce, but don't make it a generality. Take a walk in a park and see all those old couples still loving each other. You can't say that they are not happy. Unhappy relationships usually ends pretty fast. And if you're unhappy with someone, then it's not the right person for you. Again, don't make it a generality. If you aren't happy with 5 different persons, there's nothing that says that you will be unhappy with the 6th one. That's called optimism: Without any fail, there is no success. Love exists, people. However you decide to let it be part of your life, or not.
Damnit people. This thread is about sharing dating advices, not pushing away any people who might have problems with dating. Your "Don't date, humans are horrible" is only a view of your mind, an opinion, that is not shared by everyone here. People here want dating advices, not a lecture on why one should stay single. "Having a significant other takes time, and if you're a student, you can't do both together". FALSE. I have a high school full of examples. And, it does not conflict with studying, it helps it. We with my ex-gf would spend whole afternoons studying in the arms of one another. Being two makes so much things much better. You play games together, you get out together. Call me ultra-romantic, but having someone to think of when you wake up in the morning to get that smile you'd never have without that special someone, think about him/her when you are about to do something, to help yourself get through, is one of the best things about having someone to kiss and cuddle with. (Warning: some personal life showcase here ) I've been alone now for 5 years, and "searching without really searching". I see people that I like, I get to know them, try to get out with them and ask them out, but welp, no luck for now. But things seems to change, because I get more and more confident about who I really am, that is that "sciende nerd who loves to talk about discoveries and is fond of everything about space". So yeah, be yourself, and make them know what you want (but be a bit subtle tho, flat asking never worked for me). That is about all I'm going to say because I haven't been successful lately ^^ Last thing, if 1, 2, 5, 20, 50 girls doesn't want to date you, it doesn't mean nobody wants. Keep up and you'll find one that you will cherish and make everyone else jealous.