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Everything posted by SolarLiner

  1. Added my thoughts on the music as suggestions. That way you don't see them if printing or whatever, and can be removed with a single click
  2. I started making a theme song for the project, but without any footage or even any story it's difficult to get something fitting going ... As of my other (Trance) work, I PM'd you the link to not hijack this thread
  3. You know, I got inspired and made music by reading your words. If you make the story that I will soundtrack, then this is a dream of mine coming to life. This project tho; is the best project.
  4. WARNING: INTERSTELLAR SPOILERS And make Cooper control the world through the singularity
  5. Nice reference 99. When the 100th reason pops up.
  6. Intresting idea! I'm in! Name: SolarLiner/Refractor (My artist name) Job: Voice Actor/Musician/VFXs Why do you want to do this job: Because KSP is fun, I love music and wanted to compose for videos. I know I usually compose electronic stuff, but I wanted to try on and make something more classical. Previous Work: To make short, well, I have nothing as of right now to show. Officially I never made Voice acting (although I do have some experience with it, with friends IRL), I never did videos with heavy CGI/VFX in it (although once again, I made private stuff, but it is not even showable on the Internet due to laws here in France), and I'm a Trance producer, but have been experimenting with some more classical pieces. So yeah. Maybe not the best guy for the jobs I want to work in, but I'll try anyway. Holdays are coming for me so I can be here full time too.
  7. Music by Ninth Parallel: http://toneden.io/ninthparallel Song is Verloren: http://bit.ly/ninthparallelfree https://facebook.com/ninthparallel http://twitter.com/ninthparallel http://youtube.com/ninthparallel https://soundcloud.com/ninthparallel Find me there too: Twitter: http://bit.ly/solarliner_tt Facebook: http://bit.ly/solarliner_fb Twitch: SolarLiner Steam: SolarLiner PSN: Z_WipEout31 Skype: solarliner And here goes my last part of every video of mine ...
  8. Goddamnit, Jim! Waiter, there's a waiter who tells me to tell you that a waiter is waiting in my soup !
  9. Granted. The game is soo real that you get yourself stuck in a portal loop. I wish for Android Lollipop's Material Design to be applied everywhere.
  10. Granted. It is close to the event horizon of a black hole. I wish for Half Life 3.
  11. MightyDarkStar, you are supposed to change words from the post above, and react to it. Sounds suspicious ... Yells to the kitchen "Grandma, how many times I told you to not install those toolbars!?"
  12. Thanks, this is the Barney's Uprising special edition.
  13. I love how this was said like it was a myth "And long before anyone of us could live, there was that giant monster, the Deep Space Kraken, that would eat every spacecraft that wandered off too far from our Sol. Pieces would shake and rip themselves apart in a terrifying explosion, loosing any means of getting the Kerman back home!"
  14. With the ton of Mb being loaded during the loading screen, 3-4 JPG images won't harm the loading time much.
  15. Yes. The asteroid debris. SO MUCH people thinks that the asteroid belt is full of dust and asteroids that it is nearly impossible to pass ... because we get told that there is one asteroid belt there ... I mean, this is the most boring and unimportant thing about our solar system ! This is time that can better be used to teach about all the satellites our giant planets have!
  16. I, for one, enjoyed Gravity very much and appreciated everything that it got it right, thanks to what KSP and Orbiter taught me. Yes, it is true, there are things wrong in this movie, but if every movie were this right with (orbital) physics I'd be very happy. I can be mad at the X-wings physics, but not at Gravity's.
  17. Banned for having an oxymoron on your nickname.
  18. They all miss atmospheres (well, the ones that are supposed to have atmospheres), but else those are some good shots ! Auroras are well done, but a little too bright and thick to my liking. Keep up the good work !
  19. ZodiaK never saw the sun rise again and died frozen.
  20. I hate KSP because you can't build submarines; but I guess that's fine because there's no life at the bottom of the sea anyway.
  21. Nice ! Are the parts re-modeled or imported?
  22. Well, I'm on an interstellar voyage in the hunt for this "Earth" everyone is talking about. I'm flying so fast that unfortunately I hit the next poster with my shield. While on Hyperdrive. At 0.8c. (ie: that hurts a lot, and you're vaporized into a giant ball of plasma)
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