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Everything posted by Hayoo

  1. Considering that all but one witness were wiped out by the debris, we may never know for sure. We only know it began with an "M" sound.
  2. Ugh. Looks like my web hosting is having technical difficulties tonight. Sorry for the broken image links. They say they're working on the issue. Hopefully they have it back up soon. Looks like I'll have to post images from my Deviantart page instead. Here is a mug design WIP that isn't exactly KSP, but I'm not sure which other forum section to put it in. The Science Labs? The Space Lounge?
  3. Yeah, I will eventually do that one too, along with other 3-man parts. They will probably be slightly larger-sized soup mugs or something.
  4. Yeah, although it wouldn't be a snug fit, unless I put on one of those rubber seals around the bottom, which is doable but it might look funny for a coaster.
  5. Thanks! Here's one more before I hit the hay. Squashed Kerbal Coaster :-P
  6. lol. Thanks! Here's the decoupler coaster, finally.
  7. Only a bit of that style here and there. Mostly the layered parts, elevated roadways, sharp edges, and such. I envision the cities will be somewhat condensed. Like the kerbals forgot they could spread out and simply built upwards and downwards from their original villages. When they build roads through the city they don't even bother to go around, they just build tunnels through the buildings, like this image from Pete Amachree. Or they just layer them and forget to make intersections. Images from Macross Plus and Ghost in the Shell
  8. Of course. He has the answers to everything.
  9. Thanks! I use Adobe Firefox and/or Illustrator. Yup, this will let me turn it into Flash or GIF later.
  10. There's also this project I've been working on for a while:
  11. lol. thanks. Here's the helmeted version as promised.
  12. Here ya go. I'll be adding the helmet later.
  13. I vonder vhere Guenter Vendt? And who might this be?
  14. Thanks. To be honest, of all of the mugs that one is my favorite, being the first one I made. So I was curious what I could make that was available today. I created a skin of an ISS module and used Zazzle and Cafepress to wrap it around a standard mug. This was the result (about an hour's worth of work). I was very disappointed that the wrap didn't go all the way to the top and bottom. This means I'd have to take that white space into account when making any "flat" design. Interestingly, Cafepress has the black mug which would work great for a shuttle but I need to find a mug service that can cover more surface area. Probably more expensive though.
  15. I love the idea, but if you wanted to collect all the planets in the system it would be more expensive if they were all so large. I think mugs/cups makes it easier to collect and display them. So I picked Jool as the teapot or other large container like cookie jar, as it would scale nicely with the other planets.
  16. These rocket mugs have to have destinations, right?
  17. Thanks! I'm currently seeing what options there are for producing unique versions of these.
  18. Ha, nice! He seems mad that the time is tattooed on his forehead.
  19. M16 Parachute topper for the command pod mug Mug Launch Pad stand
  20. Thanks! lol, yeah it's roughly "To the stars we go. I do not think we will return". Sure, I don't mind at all. If anyone comments on it, I'd appreciate a shout-out or link-back.
  21. Lot of great designs in there! My designs are a very kerbal blending of several architectural styles: 60's retro-futuristic; 60's Chicago; the compact layering in Anime cities such as Macross, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, and Appleseed; Batman Beyond's Gotham City; and a bit of the city styles from Halo Reach. I want almost a gerbil city/termite-mound feel: dense, stacked, a hive of activity. I do plan to show elevated trains or monorails zipping around and between cities. Still lots to design.
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