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Everything posted by Tommygun

  1. Wouldn't UV lasers be easier to defend against though? If you use ablative armor and constantly rotate the ship so the bean is hitting a larger surface area as the ship moves.
  2. If we can have 64 bit, then they can break, crush and burn all my old saved games.
  3. Personally I think short term hibernation at least is very likely, because it has real medical value in the real world. If you have someone with severe trauma in an isolated area, inducing hibernation can buy someone the time to get them to a properly equipped hospital. Some of the techniques can also be used for long term transplant organ storage and transportation. I think we could get to weeks and months, but I'm not to hopeful for years of hibernation. It could be useful for trips out to Saturn on a small fast ship, but I don't think you will see it being used for say a 100 year trip to Proxima Centauri.
  4. I fear it would be more like spraying for ants to them.
  5. This is always useful for base construction work. It makes connecting modules so much simpler, thank you.
  6. True, but I thought it was mainly the US that wanted out?
  7. I think you will see, almost routinely, unmanned space probes to the planets and moons. They will probably all have a few permanent satellites around them for study. Unmanned rovers and maybe a few subs will be everywhere. They may have sent a number of probes out to Kuiper belt objects by then. I personally think this period may become the age of the space telescope if not before. Manned flights will be there, I'm just not sure how much. It depends on how much spare cash governments have around at that time. The ultra rich will have their space tourism in orbit and on the Moon. I'm OK with that, as they will help pay the R&D for the equipment for later explorers.
  8. It's probably too late now, but they should have constructed the station so all the modules where grouped together from oldest to newest in a way that they could have just easily detached the older sections as they became unserviceable. They would of course have to send up a new module or solar panel every few years, but they could keep the station in indefinite use.
  9. I have been wanting for this for a long time and didn't think anyone would ever do one. Will it have it's own landing gear?
  10. The only thing I can think of would be something involving intrinsic semiconductors. Intrinsic semiconductors are naturally occurring elements within nature. It's more SciFi than real, but maybe if you had a planet covered in silicon and/or germanium crystals with some lighting thrown in...?
  11. I'm guessing using Earth or spaced based lasers on the reflector could give a much more appreciable boost to the craft than it would to a traditional solar sail too?
  12. The glue or goo would be sent up from Earth, but you are mixing it with local soil so you don't need as much building material from Earth. It's an interesting idea, but personally I think making bricks from the soil and firing them in a solar oven is a better choice for the Moon at least. Mars is a lot farther from the Sun. You would still need to glue the bricks together, but that would take less glue than the other method.
  13. Downloaded, I'm just waiting for 0.24 to drop before I use anymore mods. I like the new shapes. Edit: I like the Brown.
  14. That's unfortunate, it has been eight years sense the last update. I couldn't find another download site ether. It was a fun semi casual time waster. There is also the "Mars Colony Challenger" simulation game. There was or still is a demo of it. I believe it is still unfinished? http://www.hyperkat.com/marschallenger.html Demo here: http://www.hyperkat.com/
  15. This mod's 1.25m cargo bays may be able to this for you? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84224-Klockheed-Martian-Special-Parts-V0-2-30-June-2014-Development-thread
  16. I have played with it off and on over the years. It's come a long way sense it was just a bunch of spreadsheets. This is another one that I played. Just a small base, but you have more control over the personnel. http://salotti.pagesperso-orange.fr/marsbase.htm
  17. If you look at the two Shuttle loses as an example, they will probably shut the program down for two and a half years. Considering that there isn't much of a flight schedule for it, I don't think it well effect it much in the long run. I don't dislike the SLS, ideally it would be good to have a big heavy lifter if you have the money to use it and launch something useful that needs it. I just think the money could have been spent on something more cost effective. Maybe an enlarged man-rated Delta or researching how to build a Mars transporter in smaller modular sections over several launches.
  18. I was wondering, does the signal have to be focused on a specific location or can it be transmitted omnidirectional?
  19. My brother has had it several times, but it went away on its own without needing surgery. I think I may have had it once in my late 20s, but it faded after about a week and before I had a chance to see a doctor, so I never had it checked.
  20. Well I just spent 30 minutes out in front of my house to try and get a looking at the launch, but couldn't see anything through the coastal fog. Usually you can at least see a soft glow through the clouds even though I'm about 40 miles away.
  21. I was wonder if the people that use deadly reentry could use a gauge that would display their reentry angle? PakledHostage had a reentry mod that you could call up that information. He might be able to show you the needed code? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/21050-0-17-Re-entry-Heat-Module-and-Mk-1-Pod-Heat-Shields
  22. I really like the An-74, but I also like the the 747 Dream lifter too. As a kid I was able to see the original Super Guppy a couple of times and walk underneath it at the air base it was stationed at.
  23. Yes that looks like it, unfortunately it doesn't look like he ever released anything. Thanks though.
  24. There was a mod about a year ago that had code in it to allow you to animate the stock Kerbals. I can't remember the name, but would that help with any of the interior animations? Well, as far as doing specific jobs like standing next to a machine doing science experiments etc. Maybe someone else can reminder the mod.
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