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Everything posted by Tommygun

  1. Well even if it's just injectors, what really matters, is that humanity is at least one step closer to being able to print Ferrari knock offs in our garages.
  2. Great map. I did a crude measurement by holding a ruler up to the scale at the start. I think the map is about 478.5 meters long, at least on my computer's screen. I want to put this on a greeting card, Happy Birthday!
  3. This is great Arc5555, I used to design papercraft stuff, but never thought about doing KSP items.
  4. You can also use bus wire to repair/reenforce damaged or broken solder connections. If gluing the audio port is not an option look into some kind of cable management item that could allow you to Velcro the audio cable to your lap top in a way that it will take the strain off the port as well as a good fitting and padded lap top case.
  5. Here is a mod that has one (Bolt-On Mission Probes or BOMPs ) : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78194-0-23-5-The-Bolt-On-Mission-Probe-%28BOMP%29-revival-thread
  6. It may not be your soldering but how much stress is being put on your audio jack or the cable going to it. Is the cable getting pulled on or is your laptop getting knocked around with the audio cable inserted into the jack?
  7. That's what I thought too. It almost looks contagious.
  8. In the long run I would put my money on the general public adopting genetic engineering over cyberization.
  9. I think I see what Umlüx is saying. In this picture it shows the scale of different hypergiants to our solar system (the blue half circle is the orbit of Neptune) . Would the largest red hypergiant look more like a glowing gas cloud than say our Sun, at least if viewed with a lens filter? Edit: I guess this mostly answers it.
  10. Falling Skies on TNT in the US at least. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falling_Skies Helix on the Scyfy channel. I liked the writing and the characters a lot, the setting in Antarctica was perfect. I'm not sure how the show will feel next season when they are out of the arctic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helix_%28TV_series%29 This is coming this Fall on the SyFy channel too. It's called Ascension. I don't know anything about it, but I want to check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvJoqyKoW8c
  11. I found this from a NASA document tiled: "Static Electricity in the Apollo Spacecraft" I'm assuming similar equipment was used on the LM? The NASA link is massively slow and I refreshed numerous times. Edit: it will work better if you right click on the link below and select "Save Link As" from the pull down menu to get the pdf file. http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19700004167.pdf I found this short article on electrical sparking in Lunar soil as well. Although it's about how the electrical arcing has changed Lunar soil. http://sservi.nasa.gov/articles/electric-sparks-may-alter-evolution-of-lunar-soil/
  12. I wonder if you could get an "ice fog" near the surface of the water as the liquid water evaporates into the air and then freezes.
  13. That is a bit surprising. I hope NASA isn't using plastic protractors for determining rocket altitudes as well.
  14. Is supercavitating what happens when you hit 100kg of Yellowfin tuna at 370km/h?
  15. I kept hoping someone would make a mod like this, thank you.
  16. Oh that's right, I'm so used to working with higher voltage AC and low voltage DC control lines, I tend to not think of killer DC charges. At least not with the type of factory equipment I repair.
  17. That's the most high tech water rocket I have ever seen. Nice job and a nice video too.
  18. If the change is high enough even insulation can act as a conductor. That is a big problem around high voltage power lines.
  19. I came across this NASA article about how solar winds may charge asteroids up with dangerous amounts of electricity. NASA is looking into this as a potential danger to a spacecraft or astronaut trying to approach one of these objects. I found it really interesting. It never occurred to me that they could act as giant capacitors. http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/new-nasa-model-gives-glimpse-into-the-invisible-world-of-electric-asteroids/#.U_mqb2Ox1W-
  20. What about an explosion caused by oxygen and carbon similar to Oxyliquit explosives. Those two elements seem more likely to be found on asteroids than methane. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyliquit
  21. Are there any conditions when matter falls into a black hole and passes the event horizon that will cause matter to move faster than light? Also (bit off topic) with the effects of Time dilation, does the matter falling towards a singularity ever actually reach it?
  22. Any kind of train and "rail/tube" technology will require a lot more expensive infrastructure than planes will. So planes will have an advantage, but you will need a big jump in battery technologies to do it. The major costs in building and maintaining the pathways a train needs will keep it used to only highly populated areas.
  23. I was wondering how you plan on landing the shuttle. Do you think the shuttle will need VTOL like engines to help with landing it? Maybe you could do something like Porkjet did and give the body extra lift in the part config file.
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