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Everything posted by LukeTim

  1. I think you got that the wrong way around. Looks to me like the ocean is white and the land is transparent. Took me ages to find Kerfrica (we still calling it that?) where the KSC is... and then I found it in the transparent part, but mirrored.
  2. Surely with an atmosphere as thin as Mars\' you\'d need absolutely massive wings in order to generate any net lift.
  3. Use it on the KGSS\'s csv file. You can find out how to use it in the mod\'s thread.
  4. You don\'t need to use QuikGrid. Just use the mapper program that comes with the mapping mod.
  5. That\'s cool. I started out with JS in my first year of Uni. It\'s a strange language but it\'s not too bad. I still like to use it if I want to do something real quick.
  6. First version I downloaded was 0.8 after a friend of mine posted on another forum about KSP... Soon after that I joined a forum which I now forget the name of because they had a big, very active, thread about KSP up. Then I found they were linking to here an awful lot, so I thought I might as well come here and get the latest news sooner. So I joined here in July sometime, and have been loving KSP ever since. It\'s been so awesome to see all the - incredibly frequent - changes being made over the past year. Looking forward to the next year even more.
  7. Pretty sure the Kerbin Geographic Society\'s topographical maps are accurate, though they lack the correct colouring. There is a 'natural' colour scheme for their maps which pretty closely simulates the real colours, IIRC. Though I don\'t see why the colouring matters much since you just want to locate and mark out points on the globe.
  8. Looking at all these comics makes me think that KSP would lend itself really well to a cel shaded art style.
  9. Is there really much of a difference between this and a topographic readout?
  10. With computers as powerful as those in Star Trek, you probably need a ridiculous passkey like that just to prevent a brute force attack.
  11. I think it looks pretty damn badass. I\'ll probably get one when the time comes.
  12. That\'s very interesting. Thanks. I didn\'t realize that a body could be destined to be locked. I thought it just happened by chance, because the 'day' happened to be the same time as a 'year'.
  13. I use Chatzilla... which is a Firefox plugin. Never had any issues with it.
  14. May I ask why the orbital radius and period dictates that the planet must be tidally locked? I don\'t mean to be awkward, I just don\'t know enough to understand why that would be the case.
  15. High Bandwidth is a massive benefit in long distance comms. As bandwidth increases, channel capacity increases, reducing the effects of low signal to noise ratio.
  16. To be fair to AT&T, they have a very limited bandwidth to play with and an awful lot of signals to handle. NASA basically has the whole radio spectrum and only a few signals to handle...
  17. Don\'t know roblox. Though, given the name, I am guessing it\'s one of those robot programming simulator things for teaching robotics.
  18. I see. I don\'t know a whole lot on the subject, personally. I just found out that radiation is the reason they use CCD instead of CMOS sensors in space, when writing my Degree Dissertation. It\'s all about the Vidicon, though. Shit\'s tight. Can we just have a thread about general electronics in space?
  19. Unfortunately not. That\'s what\'s used for scripting on Garry\'s Mod, though, right? It\'s also a pretty great Bright Eyes song...
  20. A friend told me about using Inductors or something to store data in a magnetic field... I had no idea how it could work. This is pretty fascinating though.
  21. I speak English, a little French... and a little less German. I know a couple of words/phrases in Japanese. Then, of course, I speak Java, C/++/#, PHP, JavaScript... (WHAT? They\'re totally definitely languages and everything.)
  22. Not Spacey, but get Shenmue. That game is BOSS.
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