There are so many songs in the world I couldn\'t possibly pick 3 favourites... I\'ll just write down the first three that come to mind instead: TNT - AC/DC Gold Digger - Kanye West Emily - Joanna Newsom ... I promise you, those were the first three to vividly come to mind. I know it\'s an odd mix.
Honestly, it won\'t make much of a difference... Maybe if you use Photoshop or some Video Editing software ... because you can take advantage of the extra RAM which you could then use.
So, someone addicted to Minecraft, eh? I don\'t know how you could get addicted to that... it gets boring after only a little while. KSP is oh so much better.
I\'m in England too... If I wasn\'t, I\'d probably have been already. I will hopefully plan my trip to coincide with a launch (any launch, I don\'t really care what)...
Atom processors are 64-bit. I have 64-bit Lubuntu on my Netbook IIRC. EDIT: It says here which are and which aren\'t... My Atom is an N550 and so it is 64-bit... some of the older ones and the MID ones are not, though.
64-bit is not only for AMD processors... It\'s just the x86-64 Architecture was originally designed by AMD, and so it is sometimes called AMD64... it is just an extension of Intel\'s original x86 architecture which was just 32-bit before AMD released their Athlon64 processors... (AFAIK it isn\'t really true 64-bit, but they call it that anyway) Modern Intel processors all implement a version of x86-64 (and have done since the late Pentium 4s, I believe) and so 64-bit versions of OSes will run on either Intel or AMD.
If you want a gaming PC, then $400 (I am guessing that\'s around £300-325) won\'t cut it, I am afraid. Firstly, you need a decent graphics card, since that is the most important part of a gaming PC, you don\'t necessarily need an amazing CPU, but the higher the clock the better... and a fair amount of RAM would be good too.. 4GB minimum. A fast HDD/SSD would be very good to have too, for gaming. You\'re probably going to need at least about $650-700... and that\'s assuming you\'ve already got a monitor...
Most recently, when bored in my lectures, I have been programming some image processing stuff... just for fun. Low-pass filter, RGB-greyscale converter etc. Well, I say that like I am making it general purpose... when actually I am loading up the same image each time and just doing shit to it.
You are confusing The Internet (The first form of which was developed in the US) and The World Wide Web. EDIT: Sorry... That\'s a really late reply. I\'ve never seen this thread, and didn\'t realize it was at 10 pages already.
I don\'t really identifiy very strongly with any of the political parties in the UK. If anything, I\'d probably describe myself as liberal... and perhaps even Marxist... but I really just prefer to consider myself an individual and not try to label my views.
I\'m not sure I understand this idea very well. From the sounds of it, you are saying that time in the Mun\'s SOI is independent of that in Kerbin\'s SOI and so it can be manipulated independently of Kerbin\'s 'time'. Time doesn\'t work like this. Time is a universal continuum. If time is warped on the Mun, it is also warped on Kerbin. The Spheres Of Influence refer to gravitational influence... not time-wells. I do apologize in advance if I have misunderstood... in which case this post is very patronizing and I apologize.
Not all of us are using Mac by choice. I do have a PC, it\'s just back at Uni... I\'m having to use my Dad\'s iMac over the holidays as it\'s the only computer in the house that is remotely capable of running KSP.
Same here. I think I have one Polar Satellite at the moment, it was the first one I managed to get up in 0.14... I was having trouble adjusting since I was used to using Silisko Edition, but I couldn\'t be bothered to download that, I just wanted to play.
If you look at Nova\'s playlists on the previous page, you\'ll see he has two named 'Doft Ponk' and 'Poft Ponk Loive' respectively. I presume this means Daft Punk, he\'s just changed the vowels for some reason. Also, I like Daft Punk... but I don\'t listen to them very often.