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Everything posted by LukeTim

  1. LukeTim


    That\'s just patently untrue. We are a social species and need each other just as much as we need our 'resources'. In fact, Evolutionary Game Theorists have known for a long time that cooperation very often works out better for everyone than for the one selfish individual. Although unfortunately, the more cooperative a society is the more it leaves itself open to exploitation by any selfish 'strategies' which may arise.
  2. LukeTim


    Thanks. It\'s a subject which is very often on my mind.
  3. Are you sure that this is at near light speed? Seems to me like it\'s more likely to be orbital velocities... so tens of thousands of km/H.
  4. Not sure the game\'s lighting system is sophisticated enough to simulate the umbra and penumbra from the light passing through Kerbin\'s atmosphere, so it certainly won\'t produce the beautiful redness that the Lunar Eclipse does... As an event, however, in which Kerbol is obscured from view on the Munar surface by Kerbin, I am certain that this does happen at somepoint. I\'d be more interested to know whether the proportions of the Mun\'s diameter and the distance from Kerbol are sufficient such that a Kerbolar eclipse similar to our Solar eclipse is possible.
  5. Gotta love Scott Manley. He makes some really great videos.
  6. I think we can presume that they are mostly water, like us, and therefore have a similar density to ourselves. If someone would care to approximate their average volume based on average height and some guesstimates of the diameter of head and body (I would, but I am very tired and about to go to bed) then we can determine average mass.
  7. LukeTim


    Because your computer is part of the world. Is it not somewhat of an oxymoron/paradox to have a system within a system which is capable of exactly recreating the system in which it exists?
  8. Seconded. I thought I had a decent understanding of Relativity... now I understand that I didn\'t.
  9. Very pretty. It\'s just a shame that the shaders are not yet set up such that Kerbin\'s darkside fades to complete blackness and blends seamlessly with space, as is the case in the Earth rise images.
  10. LukeTim


    With regards to the whole humans getting along thing, I wrote a couple of articles on my blog about the subject. You might like to read them. http://threemix.co.uk/luketim/ I don\'t write for it very often... so they are the only two articles.
  11. But, then, Bacteria are considered to be living... and yet - at least we presume - they have no consciousness.
  12. They, as expected, completely cancelled out the others. So, the craft fell to the earth as though the boosters weren\'t even there. Just did it for the hell of it.
  13. Why not just go with what you have in mind?
  14. I don\'t understand what you mean by 'it doesn\'t fit for what i was feeling'.
  15. Wow. That\'s some powerful stuff. Outstanding.
  16. I dunno. I quite like Rankine. 459.67 to 559.67 is pretty easy to remember, right?
  17. I see your BOOSTARS, and I raise you MOAR BOOSTARS EDIT: looking at that second shot, it\'s very clear that Nova did an excellent job on the particle effect.
  18. LukeTim


    Yeah, it seems Ubisoft is the only company that understands what they\'re doing. They got Just Dance 4 out of the way within the first few minutes and then left the rest to proper games (even if not all of them looked particularly great, at least they were actual games).
  19. LukeTim


    Pikmin 3 was cool... It tailed off afterwards, though... and failed to get better.
  20. Meh. There\'s always going to be PC Elitists. Just gotta live with it.
  21. I\'d be very interested to see when someone actually attempts an artificial gravity experiment in space. I know there\'s tons of mad billionaires with plans for space travel, anybody know of any companies which want to try it?
  22. LukeTim


    It looks exactly like Metroid Prime to me. Not a bad thing by any means. Apparently there are a number of people from the Metroid Prime devs working on it, so makes perfect sense.
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