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Everything posted by Duxwing

  1. YAY! THANK YOU! My wet thrust-to-weight ratio on my Interplanetary Shuttle just jumped from 0.15 to 0.21! Optimization time! -Duxwing
  2. Post and discuss your changes to English here: Regularity - Fixed rules should forevermore govern the language Phonetic Spelling - Every sound should be spelled because it can. Removal of redundant letters 'c,' 'q,' and 'x'. Reordered alphabet - All vowels before all consonants. Symbolic logic - No more confusion about 'and' and 'or'. Preceding punctuation - Immediately shows readers and speakers tone. -Duxwing
  3. 0.13 demo in Poland in 2012. I saw an ad, downloaded the demo, and was hooked, entering a 'zen' state of trial-and-error engineering. -Duxwing
  4. Some people suspect that Putin is going craaaazzy; others suspect that this Bond-villain behavior is authentic; others still suspect that internal pressures--especially economic ones because of Russia's sagging economy--are driving Putin to distract the masses with conquest. I just hope the spooks and diplomats take care of him before he gets a TV channel* and a Darwin Award. -Duxwing *The history channel has so much Hitler programming that I sometimes call it the Hitler Channel.
  5. Waaah! It must be like being without a pet. I hope that someday hence we will see robots and humans chat and banter. -Duxwing
  6. Thanks for the prodigious outpouring of facts! I agree that Russia is so compromised as to be an unacceptable vendor; whereas I disagree that the US should launch only US-built rockets because were trade free-enough, someone would seize the opportunity to make millions by reverse-engineering rocket parts. Ooh! What if the UN kept things for such crises as this one? E.g., extra keys for important locks? -Duxwing
  7. Hooray! I will download the update today! -Duxwing
  8. Is that indeterminism of location a mathematical trick or a property of the Kantian thing-in-itself? -Duxwing
  9. A docking port on ball bearings would remain almost stationary while the ship rotates and be easily stopped by the incoming docking port. After docking, crew would float into an axial tunnel and leap into branching tunnels to the ring. For a an axial tunnel of two meters' diameter and a ring rotating at 8rpm, the wall would hit the crew at 8 revolutions / minute * 2*~3.14 meters / revolution * 1 minute / 60 seconds 8 * 2*3.14 / 60 meters / second ~ 0.84 meters per second Entering the station would resemble stepping onto a merry-go-round. -Duxwing
  10. ARM added 3.75m parts like those of the popular KW Rocketry mod, exemplifying the subsuming you want. -Duxwing
  11. When will you reply? :)


  12. Build what you built before, now with 3.75m parts. Exemplary challenges: -Record payload to LKO. 5,000 tons is a good first goal. -Record velocity. .2c is a good first goal. -Record asteroid haul to Mohoian surface with one craft. -Most massive LKO station. 50,000 tons is a good first goal. -Duxwing
  13. @czok What do you fear will happen if you continue writing The Grand Tour? -Duxwing
  14. Our first clear NF! -Duxwing
  15. 1 - You're welcome. 2 - You do! 3 - Ok. 4 - Readers already know what the Amazon rainforest is. 5 - Because I thought it was symbolism. Curse my English education! Also: PARAGRAPHS! -Duxwing
  16. It's confusing, wordy, and weird: start with a clear premise, simplify your text, and skip the symbolism. A rewrite: -- "Four men unsteadily tramped through the Amazon. They wore heavy packs, thin, brown-green, cargo jeans, thick boots, and white shirts peeking through light, unbuttoned rain jackets. One man stopped and upward beheld the narrow beams of light shining through the leaves. He pulled a crumpled, red bandana from his pants pocket and wiped his sweaty brow, "Let's rest". The others stopped, nodded, and with him slung their packs and sat against the trees. Another produced a small tablet and sighed, "Two miles to the ruins." "Good," another replied, "I was unsure when I thought I saw the old road a while back." "How could you tell? It would be over a hundred years old by now," the third asked. The second wiped his brow, "The forest seemed sparser." They silently crunched granola bars and recovered from their long trek until the fourth rose and donned his pack, "Time to go." The others did likewise and resumed trekking. Branches and leaves snapped and cracked under clumsy foot--the first man tripped to the ground! "You okay?" The third man asked. "Yes, I'm fine--hey, look at this!" He grabbed something off the ground. "What?" "It looks like a metal cord." His eyes followed it to a sickly yellow gas descending, "What the h-" a fit of coughing and hacking stifled him. Tears running, he turned: his companions were as well! He panickly inhaled the scorching air, falling to his knees and next his face, and heaved a last, shaky breath. -- Spelling and Grammar -"follow" means to move with whereas "fallow" means not planted in -No commas precede conjoined, subordinate clauses; e.g., "I went to the store and bought eggs" not "I went to the store, and bought eggs" Style -Hit 'return' after finishing each piece of dialogue -Books are not movies: simultaneous detail distracts. Plot -Ancient ruins. Knockout gas. Guys get kidnapped by aliens/ancients/government. Death in captivity, break-out, or broken-out. Weird symbolism. The plot is cliche. Sci-Fi -Where is the science? Where is the cool technology? Bring something interesting and important (i.e., not some gimmick). Characters -Who are these guys? Just dumb monkeys in suits? -Where are the female characters? -Why do I care what happens to these people? -Duxwing
  17. I felt such wonder as to almost weep: I am excited to study physics in college! -Duxwing
  18. I installed it without having read your post: now my lifters need 5,000 atmospheric delta-V. I'll try both tomorrow. -Duxwing
  19. Bah, weak sauce! Try O2F2 on for size: http://what-if.xkcd.com/40/. -Duxwing
  20. I thought you could help because you changed the values. -Duxwing
  21. My Kerbal Engineer Redux build and flight readouts are wrong, indicating a thrust-to-weight ratio of over 1.3 whilst the rocket falls at full thrust. OS: Windows 7 KSP: 0.23.5 Mods: Toolbar Atmospheric Sound Enhancement City Lights and Clouds Chatterer Deadly Re-Entry Kerbal Engineer Redux Environmental Visual Enhancements Ferram Aerospace Research Kethane Final Frontier Precise Node Procedural Parts RCS Sounds Real Chute Select Root Ship Manifest Stock Rebalance Texture Replacer TAC Life Support Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 1.5.7 -Duxwing
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