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Everything posted by jcraft

  1. Ferram can do other things - his mod isn't something that keeping him alive after all. Besides - he already maintains few other good mods. And don't get me wrong - he is doing great job with FAR but I rather have core game element like proper aerodynamic model to be a part of a stock game rather than a mod.
  2. No one asking for a Skyrim-like character generation - for KSP, character generator like in new XCOM (strategic one, not the shooter) would be more that enough. I would say that even starting with "K" is not required - let's just generate some wacky last name. But in general - yeah, giving every kerbal same last name is a bad idea in my opinion and it should be changed.
  3. And the truth has been spoken. /THREAD
  4. Just ended rewatching the video and it is not exactly true - HarvesteR said that if they going to make female kerbals (and judging from the things that he said - they want to make them - but it's burried deeply on the priority list, so we will not see it anytime soon) they want to do it right, as they don't want to do something that will not go along well with people expectations. So OP - please adjust your first post because right now you are spreading misinformation. (here is the video: http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/487174346 go to around 10:10 to hear statement about female kerbals)
  5. They really do not have to look femine - they simply just need to look different. Same reason as for adding bearded kerbals or kerbals with different skin tones - to make game characters more diverse in terms of how they look. And frankly, that is the only reason I care about addition of kerbal females to the game - the whole "gender equality" issue in this case doesn't mean anything to me.
  6. Of course I cannot say for certain what sarkun had in mind but I'm pretty sure that his "more diversity is always better" was about diversity in terms of game aesthetics (different looking kerbals = more diverse game / every kerbal is a clone = less diverse game).
  7. Yes, I am fully aware of his existence since he first time appeared in the game (with addition of tutorial scenarios). But that it is just one kerbal - and I want kerbals with glorious moustaches on my spaceships . Yes, of course - I never implied that we need female kerbals NOW (or any other "more diversity in how kerbal looks" feature in general) - this type of addition is mostly aesthetic and should not be prioritized over really important features (like proper aerodynamics or carrier mode) - on the other hand Squad already focused (partially at least) some updates on aesthetic site of the game in the past (like general graphic overhaul in 0.17 I believe and of course new shiny space center models in 0.21).
  8. Well, we already have ONE kerbal with a moustache - just go to science archive (or rocket building tutorial)
  9. And this all what is needed - female names, differently shaped face, and also as a bonus slightly different shaped body - and we have female kerbals. No need for anything more.
  10. This. I really don't understand one thing about the whole "female kerbal controversy" - always when this kind of discussion surfaces it must always go along the "feminism" and "equality" line, and no one seems look at it from simpler perspective - that it just would be fun to have female kerbals... and kerbals with beards/moustaches... and kerbals with different kinds of hairs... and even kerbals with different skin tones. It would be much more interesting to interact with these little green guys when every each of them would look different.
  11. Different body and face structure. That's it. Here is a great example how female kerbal could look like (Timmon26 sketch):
  12. But it is working (almost) like that - you land with unlocked suspension to absorb the shock and then you can lock it, and it's not locking legs in their current state instead of that it will push back first and only then lock.
  13. You can always lock them AFTER landing - they will simply expand to maximum length after a short while.
  14. You can now switch suspension modes (also in the VAB thanks to tweakables) between locked and unlocked - so if you have problems just lock suspension on all legs and it will work just like before 0.22
  15. Yes, you can play Steam version even when servers are down. As for the transfer - no it is not possible.
  16. Hopefully - just postponed (and that seems to be the case judging from the informations we have). But if Squad reserved it for expansion or cancelled it completely, I will be extremely disappointed (much less in case of expansion scenario but still).
  17. Here is one that I made for my space program. In front of you - flag of KSEI (Kerbin Space Exploration Initiative): In-game shot:
  18. They talked about it in last "Squadcast" episode - comms almost definitely will have range limitations, and line of sight requirement is also considered. For now it just seems they simply not sure how exactly they want it to work in the game (or at least that's what I understood from the stream). And on the subject of OP suggestions - I definitely support them.
  19. That's what I had in mind, but as you can see - I explained it in rather unclear fashion. Basically - the closer this value is to 0 the more data you lose.
  20. You're wrong on this one - this line defines data loss (how much data is lost when you transmit results by comms).
  21. While resources are something that I would like to see implemented into the game sooner rather than later it is not a critical issue for me. I simply want to see resource mining implemented someday, but when it comes to in which point of development it will happen - that doesn't concern me as long I'm gonna see it in whatever version Squad decide to name "final release".
  22. I don't want to have everything marked from the start (see my post about mapping satellites) - I just want a system through which I can discover, track and register biomes and experiments.
  23. Mapping satellites would be a really good solution to this issue (and additionally nice addition to gameplay). After you put satellite into orbit (or just flyby) around body it would register any biomes it passes over (and through), then you can toggle biome overlay on the map (similar to Kethane mod for example) to see discovered biomes anytime you want (also, there should be a way to display in which biome you currently are on main UI). In addition to that it would be nice to see some kind of log where you can see what biomes you discovered on certain body and how much is left to discover, it should also register how much science is left to "harvest" in certain biomes from certain experiments - of course it should not be showed immediately after discovering biome, but only after running at least once certain type of experiment in it. Let the player discover what kind of experiments are possible to do and where but give him some log to track how much is still left to do.
  24. Our "BUT IS NOT FINISHED" doesn't mean that criticism should't be allowed. But there is difference between offering feedback and treating current state of implemented features as if they were finished. You can argue about KSP being alpha or not however long you want, but in reality game is still heavy work in progress and therefore is far from finished, and should be treated as such.
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