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Everything posted by jcraft

  1. I really don't understand why are you seem to treat what we got in 0.22 as a final product... content of this update is just first iteration of first main element of career mode, something quite distant from a complete release.
  2. Correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty sure that these exact features are already planned to be implemented.
  3. Since 0.21 update every kerbal comes back (unless you change MissingCrewsRespawn line in save file). If they "die" they end up under the "Lost" tab labelled as Missing In Action in astronaut complex and after some time they come back to "Available" tab, ready to go on the next mission. You can test it yourself: - hire one new kerbal, put him in the rocket and smash the rocket into the ground killing the kerbal in the process - go back to space center and look into astronaut complex - unlucky kerbal is labeled as Missing In Action (M.I.A.) - launch new mission/use already active craft to speed up time and skip few ingame days - go back to space center and open astronaut complex - kerbal you killed while ago should be back on the "Available" list
  4. That's how it worked before crew management update. Now it's working like I described in my previous post.
  5. Always do: - try to build realistically looking and efficient designs - construct ships in way which launches do not generate debris in Kerbin orbit - manned missions beyond Kerbin orbit must have at least 3 kerbals on board - when starting a new "serious" save nuclear motors are not allowed until at least two successful manned mission to surfaces of Mun and Minmus are done - manned interplanetary missions must include crew module for kerbals, you don't want your crew go mad from sitting whole half year trip in tight capsule - use parts that for now don't have any use beside being there for the looks but realistically should be put on the ship (things like comms, aerodynamic cones, etc) - test everything thoroughly before launching a mission Never do: - build ridiculous oversized ships with insane amount of parts - build ridiculous ships in general - put K at start of every name - use nuclear engines in atmosphere - make one way trip manned missions - use RTGs (solar panels = more fun, less ugly)
  6. It's already implemented but for now it is not possible to toggle it from game level (you need to edit your save to activate it). This is how it worked before 0.21 update, but after they added crew management system, every kerbal (orange suit or not) in case of "death" will just go M.I.A. and respawn after some time, but if you edit this line MissingCrewsRespawn = True in your save file (just change "True" to "False") kerbals will stop magically coming back to life (including orange trio).
  7. This. Aliens on "What not to suggest" list almost for sure should be taken as "active alien civilizations". Things like alien artifacts, ruins, wildlife and so on are still things that can be in the game.
  8. We already know that modders can add their parts to existing tech nodes, and there is also few hidden unused by stock parts nodes that can be used by mods. Only editing the tech tree directly (adding nodes, moving them around, removing, etc) is not possible right now (but I hope this will change in the future). In this case it would just better to remove experiment result screen completely in sandbox - this way you could just activate a part, and RP whatever you imagine. But with the big text "There is no science to be done in sandbox mode" is kinda hard to RP when you are reminded constantly that: "Hey! You just playing a game! Stop being immersed so much!" .
  9. Parts will be still there, just you don't get any science points from activating them and flavour text with experiment result is replaced by Immersion Breakingâ„¢: "There is no science to be done in sandbox mode".
  10. Career mode is not a tutorial. Well, in 0.22 update state - yes, it is a kinda of tutorial, but in the final game it is suppose to be a more challenging and complex way to play the game and basically be THE GAME, where sandbox will be as always - place to freely screw around without any restrictions (besides technical ones of course).
  11. <for some reason my post duplicated. For removal>
  12. Artificially locking player from content just because you want him to play other mode doesn't seems like a good idea. Besides - career mode will have much more to offer when it will be fully implemented - I highly doubt that things like flavour texts are going to be much of deciding factor which mode to play...
  13. Also, planned moons for it have quite interesting features: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29807-Planet-Ideas-And-Names-For-The-Future-Of-Kerbal-Space-Program?p=447959&viewfull=1#post447959 Keep in mind these are just plans. Who knows how this is going to end up when will be implemented into the game.
  14. Just found it in the depths of internet. Here you go - early version of "gas giant 2":
  15. It will have moons. But if I remember this correctly they weren't on the showed picture(s?).
  16. <This post was an answer to removed part of someone else post, therefore this post become irrelevant and can be removed>
  17. Yeah, I totally agree. Whole tech tree is already unlocked in sandbox mode and that's enough for sandbox, but flavour texts and gathering of science points are things that should not be career mode exlusives. These two things are fun on its own even without techs to unlock. (there is something... compelling about watching pretty numbers rise and flavour texts - well, I really don't need to explain why they should be also in sandbox)
  18. Sandbox saves should be fine. But if you want to play with R&D features you will need to make a career mode save for it.
  19. One word: alpha - everything is heavy work in progress and things like animations are likely not very high on priority list right now. But in the future I'm pretty sure that we will see kerbals actually picking the samples. And when they also implement proper aerodynamics model... after dealing with cost of such launch - good luck with your crazy science-machine trying not getting torn apart while flying into space
  20. If I'm not mistaken devs mentioned something about further tweaking of 0.21 SAS in upcoming update.
  21. This is a planned feature. If they implement it like they planned, we will get a new building at KSC - observatory - and through it, it will be possible to discover new celestial bodies.
  22. I would not name it an "achievement system" - you unlock new parts by advancing through tech tree and also if they decided to keep it (it was showed in some early tech tree screeshots) unlocking certain nodes also upgrades previously unlocked parts (+5% to fuel capacity for example), while achieviements in modern games 99% of the time are just "YOU DID IT! HAVE A PRETTY PICTURE! AND SOME USELESS POINTS! YAY!" So, no - it is not an achievement system - it is a proper gameplay mechanic. But on topic: tech tree - that's the thing I'm exited most about - seems like tons of fun incoming with it. Also I really hope they fixed scene lag - while it's not making game unplayable for me, it is a rather annoying thing to bear with.
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