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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. Thanls, I will bear this in mind.
  2. If I'm going from 1.78 to 1.8.0, what should I do to my craft to avoid breaking the save? Just remove all contares parts in flight?
  3. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/11/10/hellion-wants-you-to-die-in-cold-space-next-year/ Looks like a pretty good space survival game with a focus on EVAs, fixing ship systems, cooperative salvaging etc. And no voxels!
  4. Alright, that's just got me craving a subnautica/KSP crossover
  5. I will give it another look.
  6. I actually can't imagine anything more boring than Eyes Turned Skywards, why go to all the trouble of making a space exploration AU where everything is still terrible, limited by budgets, tiny spaceplane projects get cut etc? That's too realistic to be fun.
  7. I have nothing to add but compliments. Nice mod!
  8. The worst I had was a supply teacher who insisted "the moon has no gravity", when clearly she meant "no atmosphere" and was simply stubborn.
  9. I'm reminded that KSP has essentially the same graphics as battlefield 1942, as I thought these were Coral Sea screenshots for a moment. I'd kill for a physics-driven 1942 remake.
  10. Problem is, KSP is the only recent game I know of that has to deal with vehicles (or anything) made from dozens of joined physics objects. I wish there was a direct competitor so we could compare their approaches.
  11. What's your profile picture from?

    1. vardicd


      Its a pic from kerbal space program. I snapped that pic accidentally, a few versions ago, when I was launching Helldiver's space shuttle mod.

  12. Some games are so good you play them even when the framerate really chugs. When you finally upgrade, and you can play them at a decent FPS, that's a great feeling.
  13. All my subscriptions seem to be gone. I had about 60, all mods I planned on installing when I got around to playing KSP properly. Bugger.
  14. wow, thanks squad, you spipped up again and ruined the only mod that made kerbin feel like more than a spherical heightmap
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