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Everything posted by BigFatStupidHead

  1. Why don't you do both textures, the one you like as well as a stockalike? If you're interested in getting the practice, and people are interested in stockalike, it seems like everyone will end up a winner. Love the engines, by the way. Looking forward to the Fatman re-release.
  2. I take it your brakes are disengaged? Is it for all the propellers, or just a specific one?
  3. There is a premade ship in the archive at /GameData/Extraplanetary Launchpads/Ships/VAB/ showing up as mu??n Base.craft, and it is preventing uncompressing the entire file.
  4. Wow. The possibilities Kerbtown presents are awesome. How much mass can this thing launch?
  5. Kerbtown looks very promising. I look forward to navigating my airships through the floating islands of Jool's northern pole.
  6. I would recommend using the updated version. Or the search function. It's just up there in the top right of your screen.
  7. Hey Sciman, all those "bindskeleton cannot find transform" errors are popping up in everyones games, even pure stock games. In fact, it is theorized that they are the cause to the long scene-change errors some people are having. So, at least that portion of the output you've posted is unrelated to your error.
  8. Hey Hooligan, I'm sure you're keeping an eye on the Firespitter thread now, but I just want to draw you attention to this post; it sounds very interesting.
  9. I thought that it was an error in the last version that had gotten fixed. And I was not experiencing the same problems with the current version that I was before (ie: the game would crash while loading parts without the fix) so I, apparently erroniously, thought it had been dealt with. With .21.1, I had no trouble loading but was starting to experience unusual crashes and icon corruption in game. (Actually, the icon corruption is what tipped me off.) So I thought I'd mention that the fix is still very useful.
  10. This stuff is looking mighty nice so far. More tiny parts is awesome!
  11. I'm pretty sure Sketchup is what Bac9 uses, and he talks about his process here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/747-The-Making-Of-New-KSC
  12. I just want to report: I was starting to have strange crashes and icon corruption, and this fix still seems relevant. However, I seem to have lost some KAS functionality, so it should not be assumed to be fully compatible with all mods. Edit: actually, my problem with KAS is random, but well known. So never mind about that last bit.
  13. No problem. Collaberation is how we get the good stuff going!
  14. This surface phenomenon is quite interesting. Earlier submarine experiments found near-surface submarines were much more controllable than those which travelled slightly deeper. I suspect that this upper boundary may also have something to do with the "splashed down" loss of parts.
  15. Snjo has a new custom plugin for making parts float on water; you may want to check that out.
  16. My understanding of KSP's buoyancy is that it is calculated, but never actually gets applied. Wish I could find the quote.
  17. As to submarines, I had a coversation a while ago here. (It started a little earlier, but I think it's all in the quote-pyramid.) Basically, you can edit the airships plugin to give negative buoyancy, and make your sub sink that way.
  18. KAS is a seperate mod from this, and seems to be fully compatable with .21
  19. Unfortunately, the ducted fan intakes are scaled wrong and seem resistant to my attempts to resize them. Anyone get them working? Edit: Okay, leaving the VAB and re-entering it fixes the scale of the intakes. How utterly weird. New intakes will still be scaled improperly though.
  20. Caterpillar tracks? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35147-Rubber-Band-Inc-Caterpillar-Tracks-Alpha?highlight=Caterpillar
  21. Odd, that didn't work for me. Maybe a linux issue? Regardless, retracted is probably the correct way to start these out. After all, the main reason I can see for these is for getting launched to space. Otherwise a player would probably use a larger, more powerful propeller.
  22. After trying it out, the folding prop is very awesome. However; it starts deployed on launch. Shouldn't it start out folded up?
  23. Well, I really like Firespitter, which goes really well with Hooligan labs airships, which works great with KAS. If that's not your style, you should still get the mk2 cockpit and mk3 cockpit interiors.
  24. Sounds like a good idea. It would look better, but would it have any associated drawbacks, such as reduced framerate?
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