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Everything posted by StarVision

  1. Edit: Wow, I guess this shows that I don't like the mobile app. I replied in the same thread twice, instead of the release one.
  2. Then wait no longer! I'm just running it through a final bug check and in the meantime I am preparing the other release stuff like editing posts and spaceport. It will be up within the hour, unless I discover something horribly wrong. EDIT: Released!
  3. Sorry for not posting, but I've just been busy with school. (and I really wanted to watch the season 5 finale of X-Files) Although the previous sentence may suggest I haven't done anything, I have done a lot! So far I've re-textured pretty much everything, redid some of the models, added more seats, and learned a whole bunch of stuff that will be useful for future additions. All I have left to do is do a quick bug-checking session(like half an hour), reposition the IVA so you can look out the window properly, and maybe add some hanging tubes. Then I will release it, hopefully tonight, but maybe tomorrow. Here's a screenshot of a semi-new version, it doesn't have all the Kerbals in it though. The Time roter will be more blue once I'm finished. After this is done I think I'd like to do another project instead of another IVA, because they get kind of boring after awhile. I'm thinking of doing either a retro style UFO, or some custom Starship. I've just kind of had enough restrictions for awhile and I want to do something that doesn't have to look like somethingelse , which all of my work has had to have been so far.
  4. I think the Props are done. I'm just going to find a way to add more Kerbals, add some pipes/wires, and then release it! On the topic of Kerbals, I'm not sure whether to add chairs around the console, or add them on the edge of the platforms. But anyways, here's the props in their (most likely) final state.
  5. I mostly finished the Iva props, except that there's so many that it lags a bit while looking at them, which is a problem. I might just delete some of the knobs/buttons, but I don't know where from. I'm also thinking of having two versions, but then that would require more knowledge from the downloader.
  6. Slow but steady. I've been adding the props on the console. School started this week, so I have a chunk of the day missing, and I can't work this weekend. I expect to release it sometime next week.
  7. Blender has a .LWO importer in the add-on menu(file>user preferences>add-ons). If you ran it through there and then into unity it should work fine, although don't take my word for it.
  8. I actually have no colliders for the IVA, and the external model is just a simple box collider(I think). Im not quite sure on how to try it, as it isn't documented, and I don't think anyone has used it yet, besides the author. Until then I'll just stick to the way it is now, but I'll keep it in mind. okay, I wasnt sure. I would like to fit in as many as possible but the problem of seating arises. they cannot stand so they would have to sit on the little 3-man seat.
  9. I have two saves, one that is used for whatever and random mods. I just treat it like a 'simulation'. The other is for more serious gameplay, and real achievements, like landing on the mun/putting satellites in orbit. I always make sure they live and haven't killed one yet. I have a couple VIP kerbals: Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Kirk(no editing!). Edit: I also forgot to mention that I have Permadeath enabled.
  10. I've wanted to have Kerbals standing in an IVA but the model that gets displayed is of them sitting, so it would look kind of weird. I can however make it so when you click the viewscreen you can see outside, but not actually have it visible on the screen, unfortunately. I think it takes 8 people to pilot a Tardis properly, so i might do that. The problem is that to see the inside of the iva you would have to have it visible to start off with, and with normal pods that's no problem because it can fit inside, but not with this. here's an excellently drawn diagram to illustrate my problem.
  11. I'm not quite sure that will work, considering the IVA is literally bigger on the inside, so having the collision on and being able to walk outside would put you far away from the door, and when viewed from outside it would show the IVA in its full size. I also just don't want to rely on any plugins, so that when an update comes out, I don't have to wait for them to update.
  12. I actually just got back from my last holiday for the summer, so there shouldn't be many interruptions now. Yep, made it because I was bored. All it is is a sphere. The MM moon however is actually a direct rip form the game. I'm afraid it isn't possible, and I'm not sure on an ETA because I'm not 100% sure on how texturing is going to go. I also have school starting next week, but that shouldn't slow me down too much.
  13. Can you not have it for 2 years?
  14. More progress on the inside. The coral support beams are modeled and I made the whole thing a bit bigger. Next to do the railings.
  15. I saw it a while back, and just a little while ago as well. I don't think he ever got around to finishing it though, due to some error he was having.
  16. I just saw the episode where it gets introduced, so I'll put that on my list. Updates, and from now on I'm going to only post development in the development thread, which is linked in my signature.
  17. I'm glad you did it this way and not just another "This could work" thread, which would most likely have been locked. This looks really cool, and look forward to more information on it.
  18. I like it! nice and simple. It would go great on a flag.
  19. It sounds like you are trying to add the texture through the CFG file, which is not what you want to do. You have to apply it to the model in unity, and set the shader to KSP/diffuse. There should be some fairly new tutorials here.
  20. , although I guess Timezones could affect that.
  21. My favourite: Actually happened, no cfg editing.
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