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Everything posted by Shpaget

  1. Those two examples are fundamentally different. Spending shorter amount of time on the surface of the Sun transfers smaller amount of energy into the human, while spending shorter amount of time to accelerate to a given speed imparts the same energy into the pellet as if it was accelerating for a longer period.
  2. Eve Have you tried calculating the power requirements for this? Also, do not neglect Newton's third law. Firing a kinetic weapon that has energy equivalent of an almost-a-nuke, will produce a recoil of equivalent energy.
  3. from http://blog.beretta.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-shotgunning-with-buckshot Which is 3,5 grams. Still a big boom, but changes the rate of fire quite a bit. Yeah, that is being misrepresented almost as badly as the sum of all positive integers being -1/12. Negative temperatures are not a thing.
  4. Judging by their tweet tater posted earlier in the thread, isn't the entire thing copper? That could explain the green flame.
  5. Full disclosure, I'm not a Proximadeologist, but my estimate is that such a small planet that close to a star has a snowflakes chance in hell of holding on to anything resembling an atmosphere.
  6. Capability to detect that motion really is phenomenal. That being said, 5 day orbit, places it firmly on my Will-Not-Go-To list.
  7. None of the relevant predictions state that ITER will give us unlimited source of energy, let alone one that is cheap enough to affect the economy.
  8. Your math is all over the place. You're mixing units, have dropped a few orders of magnitude, and your estimates for the time and number of hair driers needed to clean a segment of a road are not supported.
  9. The engineering of the mirror actuators is genius. Coarse and fine adjustment using the same motor, getting 21 mm of travel while still being capable of 8 nanometer resolution. It's just crazy.
  10. Honestly I don't see a large tax industry here. Like I said, the tax administration does all the work for vast majority of individuals by default. Usually I don't need to do anything about my taxes. They just send me the result (and usually a few small coins) around June and that's it.
  11. Just a generic Canadian. Analogous to Yankee, or Gringo, perhaps without the negative connotation. Edit: Reading the rest of the thread, it's nice to be supportive of your spouse, but both of you please be careful. Pampered chef is a pyramid MLM scheme. Watch for hidden costs, and every now and then do a financial analysis. It's easy to overlook small expenses, but they accumulate. Also, you should regularly tally up the hours you've put into in and see if it was worth it. MLMs are notorious for, not only, not being a good source of income for everybody who is not in the very top, but being an actual loss for vast majority. "Loss rates are extraordinary – over 99% for all of the MLMs for which I have been able to obtain relevant data. This in itself would not be so bad, except that MLM is promoted as an “income opportunity” – or even as a “business opportunity” – a misrepresentation in itself." https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/public_comments/trade-regulation-rule-disclosure-requirements-and-prohibitions-concerning-business-opportunities-ftc.r511993-00017 /00017-57317.pdf
  12. For the first time in my life I had to file taxes. Usually, our local version of IRS does all that number crunching for us, but apparently if I sell stock, they can't handle that too. They also want money, but that's not what I'm complaining about, or at least not the only thing I'm complaining about. How the hell do people do this? I had exactly one item I had to file and have spent three hours on it, went to the tax building, went to the office the nice Gentleman 1 at the entrance directed me to, only to find a note on the door saying I should go to another room. Went there, where another nice, albeit not very helpful Gentleman 2 informed me that the lady that usually works that position is on sick leave and he's substituting, but that he's not really good at it. Of course, he gave me wrong info (which I knew because I checked that particular thing beforehand). Anyway he gave me a phone number, so I went out, made the phone call and a nice Lady 1 confirmed my version of the process and sent me along to another office, so I went back inside, found the office, but it's for foreign income stuff and I need domestic. A nice Lady 2 there helped me out regardless, so I went home, logged onto the gov portal, filled out the form with all the arcane codes and scriptures that the lady gave me which are at core of tax law and the system promptly gave me errors that only the tax people can decipher. The nice Lady 2 in the foreign office also gave me another phone number, so I called that. Another nice Lady3 walked me through all the errors that kept popping up and finally confirmed that she received the filing at her end. Cool. Now I only need to figure out all the payment details. I spent an hour digging for it and then finally filling out all the codes and numbers they need to generate the payment info. Honestly, after all that work I did for them, they should be paying me. Perhaps if I send them an invoice? Nice folk, though.
  13. Interestingly, oxygenated blood has slightly different magnetic properties that deoxygenated, however, neither one is particularly strongly attracted to magnets, which is a good thing, otherwise MRI machines would be instantly lethal to us. So, to answer your question - No.
  14. But why diamond? Why not graphite which has the same amount of carbon per kg as diamond, but is much easier to machine and is somewhat cheaper. Why do you think diamond is a good material for this purpose?
  15. You could try loading the power bank with a small load that will prevent it from shutting down.
  16. Wheels are quite rare in nature, flagellum being the only known freely rotating powered body part.
  17. Melting ice requires a huge amount of energy. You may think that heating water is energy intensive, but just melting a chunk of ice without warming it up (transitioning from 0°C ice to 0°C water) takes about the same energy as heating up that same amount of water from 0°C to almost 80°C.
  18. Hate to be that guy, but: kilo = 1 000 mega = 1 000 000
  19. Humans make unreliable programs all the time. I know I've made a few.
  20. IRL, it's entirely mission specific. Take JWST for example. It, not only, can not go in reverse because there are no forward facing* thrusters, but is not allowed to turn around and come back. *forward being the big eye side
  21. I wouldn't have posted it if it didn't contain the data. If you can't see it, there is something wrong with your computer. This is a screenshot of one of the relevant pages.
  22. I am trying to add to conversation by pointing out flaws in your concepts. If you don't want criticism, just say so and I'll add a little clap at the end of my post. You don't need 10s of thousands of dollars to access information and learn. I don't know where you live, but libraries are free, or next to free in most of the world. Internet is full of free courses on every topic imaginable. If you want to read a scientific article that is behind a paywall of a journal, just email the author and in 9 out of 10 cases they'll happily send you the article for free. I'm not sure what complaining you are referring to, but I'm not doing any of that. It is impossible to categorize and neatly organize every bit of obscure information available. It is entirely reasonable that for some specialized info you need a little bit more than a single google search. Do some legwork. It is also unreasonable to expect every bit of information to be available in a perfect translation to every language. Someones inability to understand the language of the author is not authors fault, nor is it the responsibility of the author to provide every possible translation. Yeah, I'm gonna disagree on this one. I managed. It took me about 15 minutes. This is for 747-400, hope it suits your needs. https://moam.info/d043u544-gpr1-747-412-4h6_59beb58d1723dd45281d4de0.html Search for 1-86-041 and 1-86-051 You're talking about a scramjet and post a video about wing configuration specifically designed for ultra-slow flight. I don't see a connection. Increasing lift is not free. It comes at a cost of drag.
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