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Everything posted by Shpaget

  1. I posted this here a few days ago (friday), but here it goes again. I took that projection from https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections and started inputting actual number of deaths. Real numbers seem to track between mean and high estimates.
  2. There are a few quite serious error in the video, the easiest one to point out would be the heat resistance. The claim that the virus will be killed by 26-27° (presumably C) is just wrong. If that was the case the virus would die as soon as touch a human, not to mention we have outbreaks in quite a few countries that are currently and during the past few week significantly warmer than that. I would not put much stock into other stuff in the video. In other news, USS Theodore Roosevelt, which is currently in Guam has an outbreak. That's going to get messy if they don't manage to spread the crew out. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/31/us/politics/coronavirus-aircraft-carrier-theodore-roosevelt.html
  3. The PDF posted earlier has the diagram for the internal dimensions and the image which implies no door passing size limit.
  4. Unfortunately, this turns out to be more of a marketing stunt than actual offer to help. The files they released are next to useless, since they contain no actual mechanical designs, no software, etc. Shame.
  5. http://www.medtronic.com/openventilator Medtronic offers their ventilator design to the public.
  6. I must admit this whole "ship doesn't move, it's the space that is moved" is something that doesn't sit well with me. It implies there is something beyond space that the ship references against, which while we have no indication of existing, isn't so much of a problem as long as you have only one such device in the universe. If two ships try to move space at the same time in different direction, what happens then?
  7. Ok, I'm confused by this mortality (Mortality = Deaths/(Recovered + Deaths), not taking into account active cases. Ignoring USA for a second, since they are lagging in phase compared to the rest of the countries listed, hence giving artificially high mortality, why is there such a big difference between China and Germany, and the reset of the countries listed? Country, Other Total Cases Total Deaths Total Recovered Mortality World 663,079 30,857 141,476 17.91% USA 123,578 2,221 3,231 40.74% Italy 92,472 10,023 12,384 44.73% China 81,394 3,295 74,971 4.21% Spain 73,235 5,982 12,285 32.75% Germany 57,695 433 8,481 4.86% France 37,575 2,314 5,700 28.87% Iran 35,408 2,517 11,679 17.73% While I could come up with an explanation for China (under reporting for propaganda reasons), but if we assume Germany doesn't misrepresent their numbers, how come they have pretty much the same mortality as China, when we see huge discrepancy in other countries? Sample sizes are not all that low (the reason I didn't include other countries). *Numbers from 28.03.2020.
  8. Detach the drive, it stops warping because the rest of the ship is bigger than the drive, the ship stops warping because it doesn't have the drive, then come back and pick it up.
  9. Have multiple of those highly impractical drives and dump them as needed.
  10. The title alone gave me heebie-jeebies.
  11. Don't give them any ideas. We are already battling with several invasive species, both on land and sea (not class of 2020, so not mention earlier).
  12. Ok, so the Apocalypse Bingo keeps on going. Croatia has so far in 2020 experienced: A meteor A pandemic An earthquake Multiple fires And a newest entry - a dangerous dust cloud. A dust cloud from Karakum desert is making its way across the Europe and is currently over these parts. The rest of Europe soon to follow.
  13. Dude, this thread is depressing enough, no need to bring her into this. Also, former president, may she never hold another office.
  14. So, I took that chart and started to track actual numbers, just to see how accurate their model is (deaths only). I'm mostly interested in the accuracy of the model, since it seems to me that it's much too early to make a robust one. I suspect that they are underestimating the number of deaths, since once the number of ill people overwhelm the medical resources, we can expect higher mortality. I'm taking daily death numbers from: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Their source of data for actual deaths seems to end at 2020-03-24, so I'm filling in what comes after, but I've noticed that even the data before has some differences. I don't think I'll bother changing that, since not only the difference is small, but actual numbers are small as well, so it won't have much effect on the total. If anyone wants to follow along, the spreadsheet is here.
  15. Who said that? I would like to know more.
  16. You're Italian, right? So, as a pro, which shape do you consider the best for sauce holding?
  17. What's wrong with those Penne Lisce stuff? I can only assume it's the shape that's objectionable to people, since other stuff from that brand is gone and I doubt the actual recipe is different. That shape is better than most to capture and trap whatever sauce you put on the pasta, and once you start chewing, every pasta is the same. Weird.
  18. Since you mention Star Trek, have you seen DS9? Cardassian occupation of Bajor is quite often referenced and events of war crimes (on both sides) told about. However, I would agree with you, war crime against civilians is not a recurring theme in science fiction, possibly because sci fi is supposed to be fun and enjoyable and most people don't find fun and joy in genocide, gas chambers, and senseless murder. Authors (good ones at least) try to make the reader feel an emotional connection with characters in their novels, and it's usually hard to do so when the protagonist is laughing maniacally while pouring battery acid down a child's throat. If you want to write gore, sure, there's market and audience for that, but don't be supersized if majority of general population finds that unpalatable.
  19. USA is now the country with the highest number of reported cases. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  20. Sure as hell beats the alternative "You won't believe what this resident of Buckingham palace was told by the medical officials!"
  21. Oh, I misunderstood you. I'm not aware of such study.
  22. From this morning press conference in Croatia: 418 total cases, among which 10 are on respirator. Regarding those 10, average age is 61, most have other illnesses and are chronically ill (they didn't elaborate). 20 000 were issues self isolation order, 150 in quarantine. Average age is 49, 57/43 male to female ratio. Sure, it's not a big sample, but it does seem like death is much more likely in those who have other, usually not life threatening conditions, but in combination with corona, it's just too much for body to handle.
  23. Apparently, geographical isolation is no match for tourism.
  24. I installed Visual Studio, to get in some practice. It's been a while (more than I though, but Amazon confirmation email date doesn't lie) since I bough my copy Principles and Practice Using C++, so I thought it would not be a bad idea to brush up on my C++. Perhaps you can do something similar? A new skill is always nice to have.
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