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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Is it possible that FAR could be causing a slow memory leak with its voxel updates? I'm getting very frequent debug messages about said updates and watching in dismay as my meagre 300mb of free unallocated memory is being eeked away by I-don't-know-what. And my FPS is decreasing in kind. After pretty much every long spaceplane flight, I have to restart my game. Edit: Wrote this post while making my third attempt at reaching the Pyramids without a crash. Memory left hit 200 and the game froze, then crashed out. The crash report says out of memory. This is only occurring on prolonged atmospheric flights
  2. Yep, that's fixed it. Didn't even realise it wasn't the latest version, derp! Thanks for the help and make that 1000th post a good one
  3. Will do. Will report back in a few minutes with an edit! Also, does the latest version fix the bases opening and closing? Because if not, I might just edit the config and lock the bases open.
  4. I'm using the version bundled with the 'All in one' pack currently, just installed today. It wouldn't bother me, but for some reason I'm suffering massive out of memory issues so I'm bug-busting (read: begging mod authors for fixes)
  5. Hey Ash, just a quick support request. I'm getting pretty bad lag spikes from two actions which are logged in the debug menu. One is from FAR, and one is from KK/Kerbinside. I'll be posting over on ferram's thread too. The action in the debug menu is 'KK: StaticDatabase.updateCache() - Kerbin' and takes place every couple of seconds. The rate seems to vary some depending on the part of Kerbin I'm flying over. If you need an output_log excerpt let me know, and also feel free to tell me it's my potato PC that's the problem!
  6. Not so great for those of us who have a lot of mods, huh? I was hoping the days of deleting and reinstalling 20+ mods every micropatch were over.
  7. I wonder if he is truly back. And I wonder whether he'll break the spirit of stock and use BDA.
  8. Awesome. Thanks for the explanation. I'll change up the settings tomorrow and have at it.
  9. Well, I just had debug messages packing debris to rails at 5km range. So there's something going on there, for sure. E: Just been testing the AI system. I am so, so impressed. Absolutely loving air-to-air combat in KSP for the first time. Makes me really want to get DCS Eagle! Also, on the unpacking thing, it looks like my ground SAMs are unloading at 5km but the airborne AIs don't unload. Strange.
  10. Probably been asked recently, but if the physics range has been extended to 22.5km, can we get longer guard ranges pretty soon? 5km for a PAC-3 seems... odd.
  11. The only thing that bothered me is the gif on reddit of the space shuttle landing at 25m/s like a sailplane. I haven't upgraded to 1.0.2 purely because I can't be arsed to fix my planes and rockets every time. I've already created a set of working winged and stack lifters and I don't enjoy starting again every patch.
  12. How the heck have I only just discovered this awesomeness?! And why was it after I spent 10 hours playing stock?
  13. Sir, I must commend you on the incredible control stability in this mod. Previously I had to fiddle with PID values every flight; no longer. Your mod has made long-range aviation possible with zero pain for me. 45-minute polar transonic flight done in 15 minutes because pilot assistant suffers almost no issue with the x4 glitchy physics. o7
  14. Yeah, cycling through them all has worked brilliantly. Thanks, man. Your satellite contract appeared alongside one which required a satellite in an orbit external to the Mun! Makes so much more sense.
  15. Silly question. Do I have to start a new career to get the contracts, if I just installed this mod? I haven't seen a single MC2 contract yet even when I pass over other contracts. I think the plugin is working because I have the parts available in my VAB.
  16. Yeah, I'm a devout FAR follower. I first re-encountered the bug in this version when launching my twin-engine delta VTOL from the helipad at Blue Bay (<100m ASL, right?). Again, it's the same quirk, with any elevator movement (in this case of the all-moving T tail) resulting in a constant roll, to the right when pitching up and left when pitching down. The reduction of lift I first observed at Kerman Lake, so it's likely that the altitude is high enough to affect launches, especially with my replica MiG-21. So maybe it is just the rolling. I've tested the Valkyrie (the VTOL) at high altitudes when launched from KSC and it flies with much more stability.
  17. Useful information, guys. I wasn't aware of the negative lift trick. So the balancing of the CoP so carefully using only positive lift is something only us KSP designers do? TIL.
  18. I managed to play for a few days with the launch site modifier before the aerodynamic muckery when using alternate runways and helipads (using VTOL planes) came back today with a vengeance. I hope one day some more information becomes available that makes it possible to fix that bug, because it's killing KS for me only being able to use KSC's two positions. All I can tell at the moment is that it's a clear problem pitch control (any pitch input generates a strong roll in any aircraft, all of which perform normally out of KSC) and *possibly* a slight reduction in wing effectiveness. It's frustrating that I seem to be the only one suffering from this!
  19. My problem is even simpler than having trouble re-opening the gear: the damn plane falls through the runway, but only on one gear at a time. The other one stays working. The pattern appears to be random, but it only happened a couple of times, and only to gear mounted on the sides of my fuselage with the wheels forced to positions outside of their limits using 'auto align'. Might be an anomaly not worth looking at.
  20. This has probably been asked over and over, but I can't get the landing sites to show at all in the map view. I had this problem with the previous version, too, which I deleted completely before installing 0.40. Edit: Wow, derp. When I target Kerbin instead of my vessel, they all appear. How strange.
  21. I think we can all agree that the biggest pain in the behind in KSP's aircraft section, especially for those of us using FAR and trying to build VTOLs, is balancing the Centers of Pressure, Thrust and Mass to achieve stable, hassle-free flight. Most of the time ingame, we cope with it by moving wings, moving masses, or pumping fuel around, only one of which can realistically be done in the flight scene. My question to you people-smarter-than-myself is, how do aircraft engineers do it? Particularly in the cases of aircraft such as the Harrier and, to a lesser extent, the Lightning II? (which can mostly be explained by 'lol flight computer')
  22. Yeah, that's what I thought, it's very odd. Don't break your back looking for it, because I think I'm having some driver issues. (I tried to install the Saitek drivers and discovered they cause direct input lag so I deleted them and now buttons are working oddly) but that happened after this issue started, so it should be a non-issue. Again, it's looking very much like a Unity/KSP issue, because of the fact that ingame it detects my trigger presses as action group 2/brake button as bound, but none of the other buttons that it detected worked. I do think it's not worth wasting too much energy on, because apparently anyone who's gone to SQUAD suggesting an update to joystick controls recently (As in, September recently) has been given the 'Not interested in fixing at this time' treatment.
  23. Hi Diazo, yeah, it's the latter situation. Despite Unity apparently recognising the button presses in the Settings menu, the action group editor isn't detecting them. Oddly, I've managed to make my trigger (Button0 in Unity) work, by selecting it manually, and my lower trigger is working fine bound to 'Brakes' in the settings menu, but none of the other buttons seem to do anything at all.
  24. Damn. That's not it then. Something strange going on... I'll build some extremely stable craft and give it another go. I'll also try other launch sites than Kerman Lake, because I found that at least when using KS to launch from the Island Runway, everything was more or less peachy.
  25. Ferram suggested that the issue could be if Kerbin-Side is using a teleportation method to place the craft at different bases, then it could be moving part of the craft but not all of it and screwing with the aerodynamics. It started for me when I was testing his 0.14 dev builds, but it's persisted into the live version.
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