Maximum Security SPACE Prison update: I have put a Maximum Security SPACE Prison into orbit with 3 Kerbals in it. Yes, that wasn't Jeb and his fellow crew members (Bill and Bob). It was a bunch of other Kerbals that have thought to have killed 3 of my Kerbals... I've made a video with BB Express Video recorder. It's encoding and it should be done any time. After that I need to go into more editing. UNEXPECTED UPDATE: Many of my softwares are so stupid that they think they don't have any space! (In this case, the encoder thought that D Drive --- the drive I store videos and documents and whatnots --- has no space left, when it actually have space! One more time and I'll [CENSORED DUE TO CONFLICT WITH RULE 2]) UPDATE: Encoding done. The quality is so terrible that I need to do another encoding, but until then, I have to leave it as. ATTEMPT 2 UPDATE: Starting the encoding of the video. This time quality or not, I'm gonna post it on YouTube because I have little time... ATTEMPT 4 UPDATE: Encoding complete. Time to edit it. Mann, the second attempt was a failure --- low quality. The third was cancelled due to high space storage... (Damn it Intel!) The fourth time needs quality improvement, but other than that, that's fine. UPDATE 3: Just finished editing, it's still remixing. It should take some time.