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Everything posted by Designer225

  1. Things looks good: Sid and Maclorf (Shouldn't the second person be Mallock?) landed on Gilly, and a rover has finally landed on Eve. However, by looking at Bob's actions, I'm doubt that the landing on Eve is gonna be successful. Bob isn't helping Rozer and Johndon. Anyway, great chapter! I'm still planning (finally from the days of being passively playing KSP) the Duna mission, and I'll probably need a total rewrite on stuff. A video would probably show what I've done now.
  2. Does this applies to every game or just KSP? If just KSP, then this goes to Support. Also, I played SimCity 4 for several hours in fullscreen (I need to figure a way to play windowed because I can't think of a way to record), and I don't see games minimized.
  3. How in the world did the 2 engines survive, and how did 1 of them stands?
  4. I can't believe that I missed all the commotions. Ahhh. Home, sweet home. Was not engulfed by the forum purge, but lost a lot a blood... (Not literately, but considering that I have over 836 posts before the purge...)
  5. So... multi-core is possible for Unity, but multi-thread is not? Dammit.
  6. Who's the Kerbal near the flag? Is he a survivor or just "passing around?"
  7. Yes. Search "Leucome Parts" on Kerbal SpacePort website (www.kerbalspaceprogram.com).
  8. Shorter waiting period will have more story breakthrough, but it maybe boring. Longer story will provide more suspense, but then you might lose hype. Either way, both of them would work. Also, why is "Director" Captain Bob Kerman good at paper pushing? Does that help the mission?
  9. I have Stencyl! Anyway, I assume that my entry is not looked, or it is looked but not accepted. (Whichever the most correct.) Here is mine (again). (Foreword: italic phrases indicates real world names.) Games: The Kerbals 3 (derived from the Sims 3, an EA game released on both Windows and OSX almost simutaneously) The Kerbals 3: Kerborations (doesn't make sense, but name derived from The Sims 3: Generations) Kerbals Revolution (derived from maybe Worms Revolution) Distant Worlds: Return of Kerbals or Distant Worlds: Return of Kerkturi (derived from Distant Worlds: Return of Shakturi) Kermegalodon or Krakenlodon (derived from Omegalodon) KerbChem or SpaceKerb (derived from maybe SpaceChem) KerbCity 4 (derived from SimCity 4)
  10. For the Kadmos Trio, that is. We'll see what happen to the lander...
  11. (Foreword: italic phrases indicates real world names.) Games: The Kerbals 3 (derived from the Sims 3, an EA game released on both Windows and OSX almost simutaneously) The Kerbals 3: Kerborations (doesn't make sense, but name derived from The Sims 3: Generations) Kerbals Revolution (derived from maybe Worms Revolution) Distant Worlds: Return of Kerbals or Distant Worlds: Return of KerKturi (derived from Distant Worlds: Return of Shakturi) Kermegalodon or Krakenlodon (derived from Omegalodon) KerbChem or SpaceKerb (derived from maybe SpaceChem) For now I'm out of ideas, but I'll post more of them in advance when I thought a good one. (Hopefully...)
  12. Well, the gift came a bit later than expected. At least it arrived at IL from CA safely. Happy birthday (again) and enjoy your gift Nova!
  13. I wonder, can a thread be on 2 forums (or subforums, or 1 forum and 1 subforum) at the same time? Also, the lounge sounds good. A space hotel... SPAAAAAACE...
  14. Anything could go wrong, including the lander, and perhaps the mothership itself. Remember the Jool mission? Remember when Sid passed out? Remember when the "temporary" communication cuts? Remember the Eve entry? Remember how "Firefly" got disintegrated? And remember the ill-fated Kerbin lithobraking?
  15. Well, a terrain-ocean-atmospheric optimization could be done so that lags could be reduced. I think we should prioritize performance than quality, but we also need to put quality to an acceptable state. Why Eve's wasn't?
  16. The "most" simple ocean texture is ground, in the very times when KSP went public... It's up to the developers, however.
  17. That sounds good, but as for the mini-games... do you mean missions?
  18. Kerbals should've weighed 30~60 kilograms in a pod while 90 kg in EVA or seat. But until we have dummies, adding probes will suit your testing... (just a little heavy...)
  19. Harv did say that the new Save structure (which is just moving day for CREW line group and VESSEL line group) breaks the save from 0.20.2 or earlier, but can be converted to the compatible version. Create a save file first, then follow the example to move everything in the old save. Or, just use the save converting system (Where is it anyway?). 0.21 changed both SAS and save structure, 0.20 changed the loading system (so that everything except mods dated 0.19.1 or earlier must runs on GameData folder). And please, don't mind me for the talking.
  20. The save structure did change. You now need to hire Kerbals instead.
  21. He meant screenshots. It is insane to press F1 35 times per second and crank it up to have 35 pictures per second
  22. Probes have RW but not SAS. Not sure if you can still operate it without SAS. I'm going to test it out.
  23. The maxiumum you can have (in 64 bits) is 192GB and (in 32 bits without mess-ups or PAE) 4GB. Anyway, here's mine: [Operating System] Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (32 bits) [Memory} 3.42GB usable (4GB in total) [ASAS Trouble] There's no ASAS anymore, only reaction wheels and SAS modules. (0.21.0) Nope [Mods Installed, Pre-Patch] MechJeb, Modular Fuel System, Romfarer Lazor, Robotic Arm by Romfarer and Bobcat, CSS, Kerbal Crew Manifest, HyperEdit, Boat mod, etc. I think you mean the 0.21.1 patch. Nope. [Mods Installed. Post-Patch] Not yet known. [Old Saves Used] (Please add them as they could be the cause) None except copied and pasted 4 Kerbals from an old save. [Description of Problem (Keep it Short)] As it turns out, the new SAS system is too smooth (it takes a while to get the rotation done). I'll run another tests as soon as I install Unity 4.2.0.
  24. Apollo 11 involves LOR, not direct ascent. Either way, looks good.
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